So what will or won’t improve your credit score? Experts say carrying a credit card balance won’t help but having more available credit will. Closing an unused credit account may hurt if it’s one that’s been part of your credit history for years. And paying your phone bill on-time won’t help your credit score because those accounts aren’t reported to credit agencies. Source Link
Is there a big threat to your waistline lurking on desktops and in the break room at work? A study found that the typical worker ate nearly 300 calories a day in food from the office and that can add up fast. Think before you grab a free cookie or cupcake and avoid the urge to hit that candy dish by bringing your own healthy snacks to work. Source Link
If you think that what you drink first will ease a hangover, this may sober you up. A study found no difference in how people felt the morning after if they started a heavy drinking session with beer or wine. Researchers say the best way to avoid a brutal hangover is simply to drink moderately. Source Link