December 5, 2019

How can you avoid the minefield of political discussions at your holiday party? Set down ground rules for topics or designate a room where guests can talk politics. You can also have board games or other activities ready to substitute for heated discussions. Source Link 

You might beat jet lag with help from your smartphone. The trick is to avoid or get more light at certain times and shift your body to the new time zone. There are apps that set a schedule based on where you’re going, your sleep pattern and whether you’re a morning or evening person. What doesn’t work is fasting before a flight or taking a sleeping pill on takeoff. Source Link 

Is bedtime the best time to take your blood pressure medication? A study found that people who took blood pressure meds before bed had lower blood pressure around the clock compared to those who took their medication in the morning. It’s also important to never miss a dose because swings in blood pressure can be as dangerous as a higher reading. Source Link