It’s easier than you think to pack a healthy lunch for your kids. Concentrate on basics like whole-grain bread, lean meats and lettuce and tomato for sandwiches. Add raw vegetables and a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. If kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese should just be occasional foods. Source Link
Some of your home improvement tools might work well in the kitchen. A straight ruler can cut dough for a lattice crust and self-adjusting pliers make a great nutcracker. Painters tape is a durable label for freezer leftovers and comes off clean months later. And office binder clips can hold open a cookbook while you’re working from a recipe. Source Link
If you’re adding a child to the family phone plan think inexpensive and take control. Offer them a hand-me-down iPhone or a low-cost Android device. Establish ground rules like you get all passwords and can check their phone at any time. And set up parental controls on the phone for kid-safe searches and to limit what apps they can download. Source Link