January 29, 2020

If you don’t have a taste for big credit card bills, you should avoid shopping while hungry. Testing showed that hunger may push people into buying more than they would when they have a full stomach. Researchers say hunger involves hormones that affect the brain and could interfere with impulse control that can curb overspending. Source Link 

Listen up - it’s important for every newborn to have a hearing test. Hearing loss is the most common congenital condition and babies should have a hearing screening by the time they're 1 month old. Any hearing loss should be diagnosed by 3 months and any intervention for hearing loss should start by the time your baby is 6 months old. Source Link 

It’s a staple found in many pantries, but just how long can you keep that flour? White flour is highly processed and has a longer shelf life than whole grain flour with the bran and germ layers with oils that can lead to a bad odor and rancid taste. The key to long-lasting flour is to keep it in a sealed container in a cabinet or cupboard where it’s not exposed to light. Source Link