February 20, 2020

There's an online way to help you fight back quickly if you’re the victim of identity theft. The website identitytheft.gov run by the Federal Trade Commission features an all-in-one tool that will provide the necessary paperwork to undo the normal effects of identity theft and offers advice on specific kinds of fraud, like credit card theft. Source Link

The road to being happier can take many paths that all lead to the same goal. You can volunteer to help others or a friend. Count your blessings by writing down everything that’s good in your life. Get exercise regularly to help keep depression at bay. Forgive and forget to free yourself from negative thoughts and challenge your inner critic when it takes control of your mood. Source Link 

Never mind that apple -- an egg a day won’t cause heart problems, they say. A study with more than 177,000 participants found that eating one egg per day didn’t increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers found no association between having a daily egg and blood cholesterol levels. Source Link