July 31, 2020

The road to being happier can take many paths that all lead to the same goal. You can volunteer to help others or a friend. Count your blessings by writing down everything that’s good in your life. Get exercise regularly to help keep depression at bay. Forgive and forget to free yourself from negative thoughts and challenge your inner critic when it takes control of your mood. Source Link 

Forgetfulness is common as we get older, but how can you tell if it’s just aging or the onset of Alzheimer’s? If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks or you’re really struggling to do things like follow directions in a familiar recipe or keep track of bills the way you used to do, those could be warning signs of memory problems. Source Link 

If notifications on your phone are too distracting there are ways to cut down on the digital chatter. In your Settings look for a Notifications tab that lets you go app by app to shut off any unwanted reminders and take advantage of the “Do Not Disturb” feature for times when you need quiet. And when you install an app think twice before automatically allowing it to push notifications to you. Source Link