When you want to commit something to memory, try doing nothing. Studies have shown that a 10 to 15 minute break after a learning session helped people retain information better. But the break time must be just that -- a complete break from thinking -- so no doing errands, checking emails or surfing the web. Source Link
Are you guilty of these bad habits when cooking on a stove? You fill a pan to brimming and don’t give ingredients room to breathe and cook properly. You don’t fully preheat a pan before using it or use a non-stick pan to sear or consistently cook foods. Or you move your food around too much while cooking and it doesn’t have time to develop a better texture and flavor. Source Link
Call it the silver lining to the COVID pandemic. So far, there have been only about 1,000 flu cases reported nationwide. A typical year has about 45 million cases. The reason is as plain as the mask on your face. Social distancing, wearing face masks and frequent hand washing to avoid COVID are also preventing spread of the flu. Source Link