October 27, 2022

 Cold season is coming soon but don’t be quick to give a young child medicine for coughing and sneezing. Over-the-counter cough and cold remedies should not be given to children younger than 6 because there's no evidence they help. And store-bought medicines carry potentially dangerous side-effects for younger kids. Source Link 

Are you falling for some of these myths about motoring? You don’t get better fuel mileage with a truck tailgate down and you won’t get more gas if you fill up in the cool of the morning. Your coolant and air filter don’t need to be changed every time with the oil and you can replace just one tire if it’s the same brand, model and size as the others. Source Link 

It’s a popular Halloween prank and there’s a right way to clean up after a tree’s been toilet papered. If it’s dry, you can pull the paper down with a long pole or use a leaf blower to remove it from taller branches. And don’t delay, because if it gets wet, you’ll have to live with a TP’ed tree until all that paper dries. Source Link_