There are times when shelling out for phone insurance is a smart buy. If your phone costs over $1,000 and you tend to drop it or have kids who play with your phone, it might be worth the extra fee on your monthly bill. But first check to see if your credit card includes phone insurance when you pay your bill with that card or invest in a sturdy phone case. Source Link_
A headache is always a pain, but when is it an emergency? If a headache comes on suddenly and feels explosive, is accompanied by high fever or nausea, or causes slurred speech, dizziness, confusion or an inability to move one side of your body, you should call 911. Such headaches could be the sign of a stroke, a brain tumor or even carbon monoxide poisoning. Source Link
You don’t have to put up with flaky WiFi during your next hotel stay. Walk around your room to see if a particular spot gives you a better signal or ask if you can move to a room with better service. If all else fails, spring for the hotel’s premium Internet service that probably has fewer users, meaning you can get a better connection. Source Link_