October 27, 2023

 It’s a popular Halloween prank and there’s a right way to clean up after a tree’s been toilet papered. If it’s dry, you can pull the paper down with a long pole or use a leaf blower to remove it from taller branches. And don’t delay, because if it gets wet, you’ll have to live with a TP’ed tree until all that paper dries. Source Link 

Your dishwasher needs some help getting things clean and the solution may be in the soft drink aisle at the grocery store. A monthly acid bath using unsweetened powdered lemon Kool-Aid can help remove lime scale, soap scum and other stains. Put one package in each detergent cup and run the empty dishwasher for a complete cycle. Source Link

Here’s a quick list of familiar food myths. All fat is not bad, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as fresh, plant-based milks are not more healthy than cow’s milk, and eating soy-based foods will not increase the risk of breast cancer. And roasted, baked or air-fried white potatoes eaten with the skin on are a healthy, affordable food. Source Link