There are several ways that you can save for your child’s college education. A traditional savings account can be opened by you for your child, and a high-yield savings account will compound your interest earnings faster. Or consider a state-sponsored 529 savings program that gives you tax-free withdrawals for college education expenses. Source Link
You’re drawing a blank while trying to remember something, so it’s time to do some real drawing. Studies have shown that making a drawing of an important thing can help you remember better. It doesn’t have to be a work of art because the process of drawing is what helps your brain lock in on the memory. Source Link
When you need an emotional pick-me-up, try these simple things to help boost your mood. Take a walk with a friend, spend time in nature, turn on your favorite tunes or do deep breathing exercises. Drinking a glass of water can also help, or take a warm bath to soak away the stress. Source Link