Here’s a tip that might help reduce online impulse shopping. Don’t save your credit card information on websites where you frequently shop. Having to grab your wallet to pay for an impulse purchase adds an extra step and gives you more time to consider whether you really need the item. Source Link
Creating a family password to be used in emergencies can help you avoid becoming a victim of scammers who pose as a relative in need of help. If the caller can’t provide this pre-agreed passphrase, you’ll know it’s a fraud. When creating a password, avoid any information like street names, birthdays or a pet’s name that may already be shared online. Source Link_
There’s only one time of the day when you should be stepping on a scale to weigh yourself. Do it first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom but before you eat or drink anything. Any other time could include weight from food on your stomach or water weight. If a daily weigh-in makes you anxious, cut back and step onto the scale just once a week. Source Link_