Most of us know you don't give chocolate to a dog, but what other common foods are a no-no for Fido? Grapes and raisins can damage their kidneys and garlic and onions are also poisonous. The same is true for macadamia nuts and avocados and alcoholic drinks are also dangerous for dogs. Source Link
How can having more credit improve your credit score? A big part of that number is based on how much of your available credit you’re using. You can have a lower percentage of utilization by opening a new credit card or asking for an increase in credit limit for a current card, just don’t use that extra credit for additional spending. Source Link_
Here are two fast ways to remove an old sticker on something. Scrubbing with a damp Magic Eraser sponge can quickly get rid of a price sticker or label. You can also grab a hair dryer and use a blast of hot air to loosen an edge and make the sticker easy to peel off. Source Link_