November 9, 2016

What’s the best way to manage your weight -- skipping meals to get fewer calories or eating more smaller meals? A study found that neither is as important as setting a regular schedule of meals. Experts say irregular eating can throw off our internal time clock that controls the sleep-wake cycle and also affects digestion and how the body absorbs fat. Source Link
If you want to gauge your heart health, step off the scale and pick up a tape measure. Researchers found that a growing waist size was a stronger predictor of serious heart disease than body weight or body mass index. Abdominal fat produces more inflammatory substances that have been linked with heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Source Link
Teaching kids the value of money can be fun. Experts suggest filling a two-liter bottle with dimes to show children how small amounts can add up over time. Pay them interest when they save their allowance, or have a “no money” day when you enjoy free activities and go the entire day without spending any money. Source Link