August 16, 2017

If you’d like to help analyze the effects of the upcoming solar eclipse, there’s an app for that. The free iNaturalist app is part of a project that asks the public to record their observations of a plant or animal during the eclipse on August 21st. Studies have shown that plant and animal life can react to the environmental changes that occur during a solar eclipse. Source Link
Do you have leftover prescription painkillers in your medicine chest? You’re not alone. Surveys show two out of three people keep unused drugs that are prescribed for pain relief after surgery. Experts say doctors need to give smaller prescriptions to limit the supply of drugs like Oxycontin or Percocet that can fall into the wrong hands and help to fuel the nation’s opioid epidemic. Source Link
You can have a hand in stopping your emotional eating. That’s when someone eats to relieve stress, anxiety or boredom. When you feel like eating, try doing something with your hands like a crossword puzzle or knitting to preoccupy yourself until the urge passes. Finding ways to manage your underlying stress and anxiety will help, too. Source Link