August 31, 2018

If your child is already struggling to keep up with schoolwork, there are some ways to help. Show them how to use a planner guide to work day-by-day to complete long-term projects. Provide a quiet study area away from phones, tablets or screens and enforce regular bedtimes with 30 minutes to unwind before sleep. Source Link 
Now that you're back to packing school lunches, why not make them healthier ones? Concentrate on basics like whole grain bread, lean meats and lettuce and tomato for sandwiches. Pack raw vegetables and a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. And when kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese should only be occasional meals. Source Link 
Brown-bagging your mid-day meal doesn’t have to be boring if you can think outside the lunchbox. Try adding a new vegetable or fruit each week. Pack more than lunch and include healthy snacks to make it through the day. And watch out for too much sugar at lunchtime because it can cause a mid-afternoon energy crash. Source Link