January 17, 2019

Some simple hacks can help your health without a lot of effort. Improve your balance by standing on one foot when brushing your teeth and wash bed linens once a week to get rid of bacteria and fungus that makes us sick. Use colored plates if you want to eat less white bread or rice and satisfy that sweet tooth with natural sugars in fruit instead of candy. Source Link
One out of ten adults has a food allergy, but twice as many think they do but really don’t. A food allergy can be life-threatening, but many people have a food intolerance to things like lactose in dairy products. Testing can determine if it’s a food allergy and then you should carry an epinephrine auto-injector to stop a dangerous reaction when it happens. Source Link 
The flu and a cold can both be a real pain, but where you feel them can help determine which it is. The common cold can cause aches and pains but health experts say that’s usually mild and often associated with nasal congestion. On the other hand, the flu can bring on deep muscle pains in your legs and back. Source Link