Using that smartphone or tablet as a reward for good behavior might make your kids even more addicted to a screen. Researchers found that what seems like good parenting could actually condition children to want technology even more. Kids with parents who used a device as a reward spent more time looking at screens. Source Link
Dying from a broken heart is a real thing. Experts say the stress and grief that accompanies an event like a loved one’s death or the breakup of a relationship is linked to higher levels of inflammation in the body. For some people, that can increase the risk for heart attack and stroke by up to 40 percent. Source Link
How can you avoid being shocked by what you see when you step on the bathroom scale? You can stop sneaky weight gain by evaluating your activity level and checking to see if some bad food habits have crept into your diet. Swap those low-nutrition items with more fruits and vegetables and commit to 30 minutes of exercise each day. Source Link