What kitchen tool comes in handy at Christmas or anytime you’re opening a gift? A can opener can make quick work on the edges of those rigid plastic cases. Line up the can opener along the edge, ensure a tight grip, and turn the opener as you would with a can to safely open that packaging. Source Link
Spending more can actually save you money if it’s on the right things. Analyze your buying and look for items you use consistently and stock-up. Then focus on finding the best prices, whether that’s watching for sales, taking advantage of coupons or buying in bulk at a membership store. Source Link
Some driving habits may be a silent sign of a sleep disorder. Always needing a window open for a blast of cold air, sipping coffee behind the wheel, or cranking up the tunes during morning drive could be efforts to make up for poor sleep or even sleep apnea. It’s estimated that one in five collisions on the road may be caused by fatigue or sleepiness. Source Link