September 30, 2016

Money may not buy happiness or health for kids. A long-term study found that being financially well-off as children didn’t lead to better health unless kids had a warm relationship with their parents. Those who didn’t grow up in a loving home had higher rates of inflammation and disease as adults. Source Link
American drivers are making a $2 billion dollar mistake when they pull up to the gas pump. AAA says that’s how much was wasted last year by using premium-grade gasoline in vehicles designed to run on regular fuel. Testing found no performance benefit to using premium gasoline in a vehicle that only requires regular. Source Link
The trampoline might seem like a kid’s toy, but it could also be one of best ways to exercise. Researchers found that bouncing on a mini trampoline for less than 20 minutes is just as good for you as running, but feels better and is a lot more more fun. People in a study said that using a mini trampoline didn’t seem as hard as other forms of moderate exercise. Source Link

September 29, 2016

You might not convince nauseated moms-to-be, but morning sickness could be a good thing. A study found that pregnant women who reported nausea were less likely to miscarry by the eighth week. Researchers don’t know why this is so, but there could be a direct biological link between morning sickness and pregnancy loss. Source Link
If you had an annual physical this year, it may be one of your last. Health experts say the annual physical is transforming into a wellness visit when your doctor talks about family history and lifestyle, reviews medications and schedules preventive screenings and vaccinations. Research suggests that getting a regular physical examination doesn't necessarily improve your health. Source Link
People who shop on Amazon and go for the top-listed products may be paying too much. An investigation of 250 frequently purchased products found that three out of four top listings had less-expensive alternatives from other vendors. And that free shipping may not be all that free because the average difference in cost was nearly $8 per product. Source Link

September 28, 2016

Federal health officials are warning that cat scratch fever is real and can be a serious illness. The CDC says the bacterial infection passed to cats by fleas and then spread to humans through scratches or bites can lead to heart and brain damage when left untreated. About one in three people who suffer a cat bite end up being hospitalized. Source Link
Medicine may be siding with young kids who don’t want to take that bath every night. Doctors say children 6 to 11 years old may only need two or three baths a week and it might even be healthy to skip that bath because a few germs can help build stronger immune systems. The exceptions are obvious, like when a child gets dirty or shows signs of body odor. Source Link
It looks like the music album is dying and you can blame playlists for its demise. A survey found that more Americans now listen to music in playlists rather than albums of artists. And the number-one source for music listening? It’s YouTube, followed by Pandora and then CDs. Source Link

September 27, 2016

Pressing “Delete” or dropping a file into the trash on your computer or smartphone doesn’t mean it’s gone and it could come back to haunt you if you sell that used device. A survey found that over 40 percent of used phones and laptops had personal information that could be easily recovered. Experts suggest you use special data deletion software or destroy the device. Source Link
If you want your child to avoid food allergies it may be best to add them to their diet when they’re babies. A review of studies found that introducing babies to eggs or peanuts early on may help reduce their risk of food allergies. Children had a lower allergy risk when they began eating eggs and peanuts at about 6 months old. Source Link
So what’s the price tag for holding down a full-time job? Would you believe $3,600 a year?  A new survey came up with that number which includes about $1,200 a year on gas for the commute to work and another $1,500 on food including lunches and those morning coffees. You might save some of that by using deductions for business expenses on your income tax return. Source Link

September 26, 2016

Teenagers who are trying to control their weight may be fighting an uphill battle. Researchers found that teens had a lower resting metabolism rate as compared to younger children. Experts think it may be evidence that the human body has evolved to conserve calories during puberty, to help ensure adequate growth and development. Source Link
Effort and not ability may be your best selling point in landing that first job. A survey found that managers place a higher importance on soft skills such as attitude and work ethic. Nearly 80 percent of employers said a candidate's prestigious schooling was the least important consideration. Source Link
Amid reports of customers hit with charges from phantom bank accounts, what’s the best way to protect your personal financial information? Consumer experts say keep a close eye on your accounts by checking your statement every month and creating text or email alerts to flag new activity. And get those free annual reports from the “big three” national credit bureaus. Source Link

September 23, 2016

The best advice to women who want to become pregnant may be “keep calm.” New research confirms theories that stress occurring near the time of ovulation can lower a woman's chances of becoming pregnant by up to 40 percent.  It’s the first time that a study has pointed to a particular time when stress can have the most impact or fertility. Source Link
It may be a case of “all or nothing” when it comes to whether the boss should telecommute. A study found that supervisors who weren’t physically located with most of their employees were less able to lead. Researchers say a boss can work from home effectively but only if most of the other workers are telecommuting. Source Link
It’s important to teach your kids to stay away from a frightened dog as well as an angry one to avoid being bitten. A study found that young children knew how to identify an angry dog but were just as likely to approach a scared dog as a happy one. Dogs that are frightened are more likely to bite. Source Link

September 22, 2016

If you want to feel better after a good cry, you may need to wait for it. Researchers found that people who cried after seeing a sad movie felt worst at first but got back to normal within 20 minutes and felt better than before 90 minutes after crying. Source Link
It’s a rare occurrence, but a new study found that elementary school-age children are capable of suicide. One-third of the young victims had a mental health problem and the most common was ADHD. Experts say parents who see signs like an unhappy child doing impulsive or dangerous things should ask them if they’re having thoughts of suicide. Source Link
Becoming a faster reader requires less effort on the part of your senses. Experts say you can move your eyes less within each line to take in more words at a time. And silencing that voice that reads aloud in your head will also help you speed up your reading. Source Link

September 21, 2016

Saving more money can be as easy as “one, two, three” with tips like these. First, set up an automatic transfer from checking to a savings account with each paycheck. Second, eliminate monthly charges for things you don’t use, like an online service or a gym membership. And check your tax withholding to be sure you’re not giving up too much in deductions.Source Link
Parents may be doing more harm than good with an old-fashioned approach after a child’s concussion. Nearly all parents surveyed say they’d wake the child throughout the night to check on their condition. Health experts say sleep is one of the best ways to heal right after a concussion, but full bed rest isn’t necessary. Source Link
Can music soothe the savage office? Researchers found that employees who listened to happy, upbeat music were encouraged to make decisions that contribute to the good of the team. Experts say playing upbeat music in the office could result in happier employees and better teamwork. Source Link

September 20, 2016

Friends don’t help friends who are drunk when they’re drinking a lot too.  Researchers found that a drinker’s perceptions of their drunkenness was related to the people drinking around them, rather than the actual amount of alcohol consumed. Drinkers were more likely to underestimate  their own drunkenness when they were surrounded by others who were also drunk. Source Link
If the timeout isn’t shutting out bad behavior for your kids, here are some tips to make it more effective. Try a timeout for just a few types of the worst problems and be consistent in using it. Give your child five seconds to process your command and then just one warning, if needed. The length of the timeout might be one minute for each year of age. Source Link
Letting your anger rise behind the wheel makes it more likely you’ll get into an accident. A study of drivers and their records showed that even a habit of minor aggression, such as swearing, yelling or making rude gestures, can increase the risk of a collision. Highly aggressive drivers had the same risk of an accident as those who smoked marijuana behind the wheel. Source Link

September 19, 2016

Kids who fidget in their seats may be onto something that’s good for your health. A study found that tapping or moving your feet while sitting helps to maintain better blood flow in your legs. A lack of blood flow during long periods of sitting can contribute to hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. Source Link
Breakfast on the run doesn’t have to be a doughnut or a drive-thru stop. Nutritionists say a fast healthy breakfast can be instant oatmeal that’s ready in a minute or a mug with scrambled eggs and milk that takes 30 seconds to cook in the microwave. Or you can make a quick peanut butter sandwich and pack a banana. Source Link
Twitter is making it easier to fit more of what you want to say in your tweets. There’s still a 140-character limit but now things like usernames and web addresses won’t count towards that total. The change also helps Twitter by allowing for longer sponsored tweets that are part of their advertising plans. Source Link

September 16, 2016

The most common way that parents give medicine to their kids may be causing more mistakes. Four out of five parents surveyed say they’ve given their child too much or too little medicine, often when using a dosing cup. Health experts suggest using an oral syringe and placing tape on it to along line that’s the correct dosage. Source Link
Using the right alarm clock can lead to better sleep and a quicker wake-up. Look for a model with a big snooze button and one that’s easy to read, but avoid those with a blue light display that can disrupt sleep. And choose an alarm clock that wakes you with a sound that you enjoy, whether that's the morning news, your favorite music or nature sounds. Source Link
This year’s nominees for the Toy Hall of Fame include a favorite family of bears, battling boxers and an office supply that’s fun to squeeze. The Class of 2016 features Care Bears, Rock’em Sock’em Robots, the Uno card game, and Fisher-Price Little People. Also on the list is bubble wrap, which entertains with a “pop” that some people can’t resist.  Source Link

September 15, 2016

If you’re ready to start a new diet or exercise program, mark the calendar for Monday. Researchers found that Mondays were the most popular day based on web searches and studies of gym habits. They say Mondays offer the feeling of a fresh start when we’re ready to take on a change in habits. Source Link
Can Facebook make you feel better? A study found that you can get a real boost when people who care about you send a personal message over the social network. But simply clicking “Like” on a post probably won’t have much of an impact on your mood. Source Link
People looking for a new iPhone at a great price should think older. Experts say last year’s iPhone 6 models are now discount-priced and you might save even more if you wait for deals during the holiday season. Refurbished iPhone 6 models give you the same warranty as new but cost hundreds less. Source Link

September 14, 2016

Is the “five-second rule” four seconds too long? Researchers found that bacteria can instantly contaminate food that falls on the floor. Transfer of bacteria is affected by moisture, so it’s no surprise that during testing the food which was contaminated most quickly was watermelon. Source Link
Your dentist may not like it, but your doctor might appreciate your coffee habit. Dental experts say coffee may stain your teeth, but its health benefits outweigh that problem. Research suggests that coffee may reduce risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, boost metabolism and keep your brain sharp. Source Link
If a bottle of wine, fancy chocolates or a logo polo shirt  are the kinds of business gifts that you give, you’re doing it wrong. Instead, experts suggest gifts that people will actually use on a regular basis, like knives for the kitchen or a fancy golf accessory. And never give gift cards because that shows you’re not very creative. Source Link

September 13, 2016

What’s it worth to you to exercise regularly? Maybe over $2,000 a year. A study found that people with heart disease saved an average of $2,500 a year on medical costs and even healthy people spent $500 less annually. Exercise guidelines call for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five days a week, or at least 25 minutes of vigorous activity three days a week. Source Link
Smartphones, tablets and other digital options haven’t cut into the analog way they we enjoy a story. A new survey found that 65 percent of adults still read books in print. That number has remained steady since 2012 as about one-in-four readers say they use e-books and 14 percent listen to audio books. Source Link
The votes are in and almost everyone agrees they’re more productive when not at the office. Three-quarters of people surveyed say working from home means a quieter setting and fewer distractions from co-workers. And most say they can get more work done away from the office because there are fewer meetings. Source Link

September 12, 2016

Most of the antibacterial soaps you can buy today are being banned by the FDA because they don’t do the job. The agency says they’re not more effective than plain soap and water and their key ingredients might be contributing to bacterial resistance. Some manufacturers are reformulating their antibacterial soaps to meet the new standards. Source Link 
Can you talk yourself to sleep at night? Experts say couples can ease into sleep with by talking about the events of the day. But avoid emotional topics and put off discussing any disagreements that might lead to an argument. Source Link
It can be convenient, but be careful when you’re connecting your smartphone to that rental car. The Federal Trade Commission says car systems might retain your call and text records and contact lists. You should limit permissions and check the owner’s manual to learn how to delete your information before you return the car. Source Link

September 9, 2016

Your child’s pediatrician won’t be recommending the nasal flu spray this year. The American Academy of Pediatrics says it supports new findings showing that the nasal spray vaccine is not effective in preventing flu for children. Doctors say every child over six months old should have an annual flu shot.  Source Link
How you cook your food may help determine your risk of type 2 diabetes. A study found that frying, grilling or baking food produces substances that have been linked to a rise in insulin resistance. Eating foods that were boiled, steamed, stewed or poached reduced the levels of those substances. Source Link
Believe it or not, it’s time to start making those wish lists for Christmas toys. Walmart says it expects the hot ticket items to include a Disney Princess Carriage, a Sky Viper Streaming Drone and Little Live Pets Puppy. Some stores have already opened layaway for parents who want to start holiday shopping now. Source Link

September 8, 2016

Odds are your dog would rather get a kind word from you than a tasty treat. Researchers using brain scans found that most dogs preferred praise from their owners over food. Dogs also respond more strongly to the scents of familiar people than to those of other people or familiar dogs. Source Link
Nearly half of Americans are hoping for a very long life. A survey found that  one-in-four adults under the age of 65 wants to live into their 90s and one-quarter say they’d like to reach 100 or older. Only 16 percent thought they would die before age 80. Source Link
Can  your smartphone help to make you more healthy? A review of studies found that smartphone tools such as apps, texts and voicemail messages helped people increase their exercise and lose weight by keeping track of daily efforts and goals. But avoid apps that claim to accurately test blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol. Source Link

September 7, 2016

How do you know if a plastic container is safe to use in the microwave oven? Experts say any container labeled “microwave safe” is okay, but those with recycling numbers 3, 6 and 7 should not be used for microwaving food or be put in a dishwasher. Those plastics contain phthalates that have been associated with a rise in the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes in children. Source Link

The high school Class of 2029 might be full of Jake’s and Sophie’s. Those are the two most popular student names in a national survey of kindergarten teachers. The most popular first name initial was  “K” as in Kellen, Knox, Kolton, Kasen, and Kamryn. Source Link
If you worry that your cell phone might be a breeding ground for bacteria there are some simple steps you can take to keep things clean. Use a microfiber cloth moistened with a bit of water to wipe down the phone’s screen and body. You can prevent germs from getting on it by washing your hands more often and by not using the phone in the bathroom. Source Link

September 6, 2016

If it’s the first week of September, it must be time to unveil a new iPhone. Apple hasn’t revealed any details about the iPhone 7, but reports say two big differences will be what it does and what it doesn’t have. The base model will have 32 gigabytes of memory but the iPhone 7 won’t have a headphone jack and will use the Lightning port instead. Source Link
Want to dodge heart disease in your golden years? Get moving. New research shows it’s never too late and even a moderate amount of exercise each week drastically reduces the odds a person over 65 will die from heart disease. That includes everything from riding a bike to swimming, walking your dog or even gardening. Source Link
Filling up is cheaper this year, but there are ways you can save more money at the gas pump. Experts say shopping around versus using your usual station might save you up to 30 cents a gallon. Skip the premium gas and fill up when you first see a low price, and use cash or buy your gas with a credit card that gives you cashback on your purchases. Source Link

September 2, 2016

Science is proving what dog lovers already knew -- Man’s Best Friend does understand what you’re saying. A study using MRI scans  found that a dog’s brain reacted to words regardless of how they were said. Researchers say the dogs processed words much like humans do, using same parts of the brain to determine meaning and tone. Source Link
How can you build more exercise into your work day? Experts say start simple by moving your wastebasket and other essentials away from your desk. Walk to a colleague's desk instead of emailing or phoning and take the stairs to a restroom on another floor. You can also use resistance bands to do foot curls and arm stretches at your desk. Source Link

Imagine a purse that can stop you from going on a spending spree. Developers in England have created the iBag2 that can lock itself based on time of day or location and even keeps track of when your wallet is out. The high-tech purse is only a prototype but could go into production if there’s enough interest from the public. Source Link

September 1, 2016

Getting your kids to enjoy a healthy school lunch brought from home starts with having them pack it. Experts say you can give children as young as third grade a list of choices among fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy and let them pick their favorites. This will save time for you and help kids become more adventurous in their food choices. Source Link
It’s said that we grow older and wiser, but we may also get happier. A survey of people aged 21 to 99 found that the older they were, the happier they seemed to be. Those in their 20s and 30s had the highest levels of depression, anxiety, and stress and the lowest levels of happiness. Source Link
If you’re still typing your text messages, you may be wasting time. A  university study found that young people could use speech recognition on an iPhone to compose text messages three times faster than typing. Researchers say speech software has improved to the point that it can be faster and more accurate than texting by hand. Source Link