March 31, 2021

 Having a spare tire and jumper cables in your car is essential, but what else comes in handy during a breakdown? A roll of duct tape can temporarily repair leaks, cracks and breaks. A multi-tool is a must for the glove box and a can of WD-40 will help loosen tight lug nuts or bolts. Source Link 

So what are the bad habits that can put on more pounds? There are the obvious ones like too much fast food, plenty of snacking and mindless eating while watching TV. But not planning how much you’re going to eat at each meal is a big problem too because you can overeat long before that feeling of fullness hits you. Source Link 

Rethinking the way to create passwords can help you avoid being the victim of an online hack. Use numbers and letters and alternate upper and lower case. A personal phrase also works because it’s a combination of words and you can use the initials instead of the full word. Source Link

March 30, 2021

 Planning ahead can help you put the brakes on emotional eating. Keep a food journal to understand what triggers emotional eating and be prepared with healthy snacks. You can also exercise, enjoy your favorite TV show or talk to someone instead of reaching for extra calories to help you cope. Source Link 

There are plenty of dangerous things that pets can eat besides a leftover chocolate bar or some flowers. A tiny Lego piece can also look like a treat to your dog but will be big trouble if he eats it. And be sure you don’t have any twist ties, rubber bands, cotton swabs or dental floss laying on the floor. Source Link 

Older Americans may need a refresher on using antibiotics safely. A survey found one-third of respondents mistakenly thought that antibiotics could effectively treat colds or the flu. Of those who had leftover antibiotics about two-thirds saved them for use later. You should always see a doctor and get a new antibiotic prescription if it’s needed. Source Link 

March 29, 2021

 Whether it’s flooding, tornadoes, wildfires or hurricanes almost everyone could face a natural disaster and a family safety plan is a must. Pack a box with three days worth of non-perishable food and water and remember pet food. Scan valuable papers like birth certificates and store the images on a DVD or in the cloud and keep valuables like jewelry where you can grab them easily. Source Link 

Making a will isn’t enough because you also need to get your digital life in order to help your family after you’re gone. Share your account logins and other secure information with relatives by using a password manager and note any bills that are automatically paid. And pick a person to manage your social media accounts who can have them closed or maintained in memory of you. Source Link 

Old-fashioned advice may be the best way to avoid problems when cleaning your house. Researchers found that when bleach mixed with household cleaners it created airborne compounds that can linger and cause breathing problems. The answer is to always open a window to ventilate the room after you clean. Source Link 

March 26, 2021

 If your mind starts racing after you wake up in the middle of the night you can try these tips to get back to sleep. Get out of bed and read a book - but nothing too exciting - or listen to an audiobook or a podcast that’s not a shoutfest. You can also head to the kitchen for a light snack like whole-grain crackers or popcorn that has carbs to help switch-on the body’s sleep hormones. Source Link 

Who knew we were using these things the wrong way? A round food container heats leftovers more evenly than a rectangular one and load that blender starting with the liquid and layer from smallest to largest items so the blades run smoothly. And the middle of the dishwasher is best for plates with potatoes or tomatoes but the bottom rack gives more soaking time to remove a protein-based mess like eggs. Source Link 

Can the same thing that makes your dishes sparkly clean defeat that grimy oven? A dishwasher tablet dipped in warm water can be used to scrub away tough stains on oven walls. It also works well on the glass and is effective on the surrounding metal part of the oven door. Wet it long enough to soak up a bit of water, but not too long that it starts to crumble. Source Link 

March 25, 2021

 Helping your child balance screen time with the rest of life takes clear goals, prioritizing and persistence. Start by setting real limits like a number of minutes per day or no screens at dinner or bedtime and be ready to enforce this by confiscating devices. And teach kids to prioritize so that screen time isn’t the first thing they do. Source Link 

Want a three-step plan to avoid being a victim of online hacking? Start by using a free password manager for automatic strong protection that you don’t have to remember. Log onto financial sites using only one device like an old phone, tablet or laptop. And set up alerts so your bank will email or text you about any large transactions. Source Link 

It’s a morbid way to de-clutter your home but some say it works. With Death Cleaning you downsize your possessions as if someone was disposing of things after you die. That means keeping only what you absolutely love or will definitely give to others. You can even create a box of things you’re keeping now but will be thrown out after you’re gone. Source Link 

March 24, 2021

 We’re barely into Spring but right now is the time to tackle those seasonal allergies. Step one is testing to identify exactly what you’re allergic to and then avoid that. Treatment can include steroid sprays and inhalers or immunotherapy shots or oral treatments to desensitize your body to those allergens. Source Link 

Here’s how to be a power shopper at the thrift store. Check both the men’s and women’s sections because items can be mislabeled and pay attention to tags, dates and colors to find special sale prices. And give everything a second look in your cart on the way to checkout to be sure you didn’t miss any damage. Source Link 

Want to stop Google from keeping track of everything you ask their smart speaker? A feature called “Guest Mode” on a Google Assistant device will block it from saving your searches, commands and questions. But using “Guest Mode” will also prevent you from hearing personalized information like your calendar events or reminders. Source Link 

March 23, 2021

 Sleeping in a bedroom that isn’t black as night could be making you blue. Research has shown a strong association between low-level nighttime light exposure and symptoms of depression. Seeing any light at night might throw off the body’s internal clock and change hormonal functions in the brain and that could lead to psychological problems. Source Link 

Keeping your car looking and smelling clean doesn’t have to be a chore. Line a plastic cereal container with a grocery bag for use as an in-car trash can. Stick it to the carpet with a self-adhesive hook-and-loop strip. Or put scented candle wax in a mason jar with holes poked in the lid and sit it in a cup holder. The wax will melt as your car warms up to freshen your ride. Source Link 

Want a “set it and forget it” way to invest in your retirement account? Aim for a target. Most plans let you choose a target-date fund that’s pegged for the year you expect to retire. Your target fund is adjusted annually to the proper mix of stocks and bonds to give you the best returns now and safety from major losses as you get closer to retirement. Source Link 

March 22, 2021

 The bathroom scale may not be the best way to see if your diet plan is working. Health experts say things like water weight can throw off that measurement. What’s a better way to track your progress? Use a tape measure on your chest, waist, hips and thighs once a week and see if your clothes are beginning to feel loose. Source Link 

A heart attack isn’t always the sudden chest-clutching event that many people imagine, especially for women who have fewer heart attacks than men but more “silent” ones that are damaging but only detected after they occur. Nausea, sweating, shortness of breath and pain in the neck or jaw are all symptoms that require immediate attention. Source Link 

Neck pain is common if you spend lots of time hunched over a desk, stuck in traffic or browsing your phone, but you can get relief with some simple stretching exercises. Lower your chin to your chest as far as it can go without pain and hold for 20 seconds. Turn your head right without moving your shoulders and hold and then to the left. And try rolling your head in a semi-circle. Source Link 

March 19, 2021

 A great start to your day can begin with a purposeful plan. Immediately picking up your phone to check the news, email and social media has you reacting to others and sets the tone for the day. Commit to a few value activities that you want to do each day because studies have shown that most people are productive in the first two hours of the morning. Source Link 

Are you making these privacy mistakes with social media? Maybe you have the same password for multiple sites or aren't using two-factor authentication for sign-ins. You could forget to set viewing for your posts so they aren’t open to everyone or ignore tagged photos that can link back to you forever. Or you use a Facebook login to connect to other websites. Source Link 

It’s easy to eat healthy anytime right from your freezer. Frozen shrimp or fish fillets are rich in protein and low in fat and frozen vegetables can be as nutritious as fresh. Frozen berries make a great smoothie; whole wheat flatbreads or tortillas will keep in the freezer for months and satisfy that sweet tooth with 100-percent fruit frozen treats. Source Link 

March 18, 2021

 To build a better resume, make it a list of achievements instead of a roster of jobs. Offer measurable evidence of accomplishments to demonstrate what you can do for a new employer. A listing of job titles doesn’t help because a common title can mean different work in different professions. Source Link 

Bubbly water might be a good alternative to sugary soda, but is it healthy? Sparkling water or carbonated beverages without added sugar or other artificial ingredients can be a good choice but sparkling water that’s not natural does have acids that can erode your teeth. And be mindful about drinking sparkling water with a meal rather than by itself. Source Link 

If you love to browse the clearance racks you can do the same thing when you’re shopping online. Amazon Outlet features discontinued or sale items and Amazon Renewed offers pre-owned tech for less. And Amazon Coupons gives you digital discounts on a wide variety of products with just a click. Source Link 

March 17, 2021

 Here are some telltale signs that you’re a victim of identity theft. Your personal information may be compromised if a merchant refuses your check or that monthly bill you’re expecting never comes in the mail, or you get a credit card for an account you didn’t open. Keeping a close eye on bank statements and bills is one of the best defenses against identity theft. Source Link 

Working from home makes it easier to overeat but you can fight the urge by not doing both at the same time. Don’t eat while you’re working because distracted eating usually means you eat more. When you’re hungry, take a break from work to eat and create a schedule for meals and snacks to keep you feeling energized all day long. Source Link 

Does it seem like you’ll never be able to tame that overflowing Camera Roll or Photo Gallery on your phone? Try tackling it one day at a time. Sort through one day, one week or one month of photos while you’re watching TV or turn on your favorite podcast and sort pictures until you finish an episode. Source Link 

March 16, 2021

 Getting the perfect shave is about timing as well as technique. Wait until after a shower when your skin is warm, moist and free of dead skin cells and let the shaving cream sit for a few moments before you begin. Rinse the razor after each swipe and finish by splashing your face with cold water to ease any inflammation. Source Link

Are you paying an in-home nanny instead of sending your child to daycare? Don’t forget your tax obligations. If you pay a nanny more than $2,300 a year, the IRS requires you to treat them as a household employee. You must withhold taxes and you have to pay the employer’s share for Social Security and Medicare tax. Source Link 

Powering down a computer and restarting it can fix many performance problems but be sure to do it the right way. Don’t hold down the Power button; select the restart option on the Power icon from the Start menu on a PC. If you’re a Mac user, select the Apple icon in the top left corner and press restart. Source Link 

March 15, 2021

 There are some simple ways to avoid wasting money. Don’t transfer a balance to a “zero interest” credit card unless you really plan to pay it off before that rate climbs high and check your phone bill for extra charges that might sneak in without you knowing it. Make a list before every shopping trip to avoid overspending and don’t forget to return unwanted items for a refund. Source Link 

It doesn’t matter what kind of music you listen to because any of it may hurt creativity. Testing found that instrumental music, songs that had lyrics and even familiar songs all negatively affected creativity. But you don’t need total silence because the typical noises heard in a library had no effect on creativity. Source Link 

There’s a handy reason why bedtime stories for kids work better with a real book instead of a tablet reader. A study found that children and parents often battled to hold the tablet and that took away from the experience. Other research has shown that toddlers can become focused on tapping or swiping an e-reader screen and didn’t pay as much attention to the story. Source Link 

March 12, 2021

 How can a soda can help you double your closet space? Remove an empty can’s pull tab and using two hangers, slide the hook of one hanger through the hole on the top of the pull tab. Then slide the hook of the other hanger through the hole in the bottom of the pull tab to hang two items in the space of one. Source Link 

Being anxious about a visit to the dentist isn’t unusual but there are some things that can help. Tell the dentist or hygienist about your anxiety so they can help ease your fears and offer the best options to reduce pain. And keep a regular schedule of check ups so problems can be caught before they require major work. Source Link 

Remember the numbers 4, 7 and 8 when you want to fall asleep faster. A breathing technique that can have a calming effect has you inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. You get the full benefits by lying down on your back while doing this exercise, even if you usually sleep on your side. Source Link 

March 11, 2021

 It’s something found in most homes, but you might want to lock up those cotton swabs. More than 12,000 children suffer ear injuries each year and many happen when kids try to use cotton swabs by themselves. It’s an injury risk for anyone because using a cotton swab usually pushes wax deeper into the ear. Source Link 

Getting the best price on a prescription takes some planning and a bit of research. Always ask your doctor if there’s a generic or cheaper alternative to a pricey brand-name drug and then use a website like or to compare pharmacy prices and find discounts. You can also look into a patient assistance program from the drug maker to lower the cost. Source Link 

You may want to re-think that habit of taking long afternoon naps. A study found that people who regularly napped for over one hour had a 34 percent higher risk for heart disease. Researchers think that long naps could have a connection to higher levels of inflammation and that could affect heart health. Source Link 

March 10, 2021

 When you need to lose weight, you might help everyone by making it a family affair. Studies show that when overweight parents shed pounds, so do their overweight kids. Even if others don’t need to lose weight, healthy eating as a family can make it a lifelong habit instead of a temporary dieting choice. Source Link

The plumbing aisle at the home store has a product that does some DIY magic. A split piece of foam pipe insulation can corral a tangle of power cords under a desk or baby-proof the edge of a coffee table. And a short piece of pipe insulation can plug that gap between the seat and the center console in your car to keep keys and other things from dropping through. Source Link 

You might stop an outdoor cat from killing birds and small animals with a change at meal time and more play time. A study found that cats who ate meals with more meat were less likely to hunt as were cats whose owners played with them to mimic hunting behaviors. Puzzle feeders were also helpful in curbing hunting by cats. Source Link 

March 9, 2021

 When your home WiFi won’t fly, look to your router for relief. Your home router’s power plug could be the culprit so make sure it’s tightly connected to an outlet. Keep the router cool by not placing it in a cabinet or anywhere with little ventilation. If all else fails, reboot your router by unplugging it for 10 seconds. Source Link 

A good start to your day may mean breaking some of these bad habits. Hitting the snooze button can make you groggy and less productive by repeatedly waking you from a deep sleep and checking your email or texts right away can increase anxiety. And a doughnut breakfast can create a sugar high that comes crashing down right as you begin your workday. Source Link

You hate getting them but resist the urge to type “Stop” or hit the “unsubscribe” link on those junk texts and emails. Doing this tells spammers that your phone number or email address is active and ready for more bogus offers. The best move is to report a text or email as spam and then delete it without responding. Source Link

March 8, 2021

 Could a weight-loss technique improve your budget’s bottom line? In a financial fast, you spend three weeks making no unnecessary purchases and make no purchases at all one day a week. Experts say it can help reset your spending priorities and uncover how much you could be saving. Source Link 

What are the do’s and dont’s of using public WiFi? Don’t work with personal financial information because anyone on that public network might be able to see it. Do protect all your data by using a VPN or virtual private network and don’t skip app updates because those might patch any gaps that make it easier for hackers to target you online. Source Link 

We’re always hearing that it’s important to get enough sleep, and here’s an easy way to see if your slumber is sufficient. On the weekend, don’t set an alarm and sleep until you wake up on your own. If that’s longer than your typical shuteye, adjust your weekday routine to get that much sleep every night. Source Link 

March 5, 2021

 Shopping online is easy - and maybe too easy to avoid overspending - so here are some simple savings tips. Follow your favorite retailers on social media for discount offers and take advantage of deals through your credit card provider. You can also limit spending by purchasing a gift card for the amount you can afford and use only that for shopping. Source Link 

What’s the best way to wash fruits and vegetables? Smooth-skinned fruits like apples or pears can be rinsed with water and dried with a clean towel when you bring them home but other items should be washed just before eating to prevent bacteria growth. And submerging leafy vegetables in water might increase the risk of contamination. Source Link 

A morning routine can help you have a better day. Doing something routinely after you wake up calms the decision-making part of your brain that also controls anxiety. Your routine could be eating the same thing for breakfast or waking up, exercising or walking the dog at the same time every day. Source Link 

March 4, 2021

 They’re 32 of the strongest parts of you. Your tooth enamel is 96 percent mineral and the hardest part of your body. A bite can exert 200 pounds of pressure and teeth can last for hundreds of years after you die, but all that strength can be lost if you don’t brush and floss every day. Source Link 

Many people’s pandemic precautions will continue after COVID-19 has been tamed. A national survey found that 9 of 10 Americans say they’ll keep up with frequent hand-washing and sanitizer use and 4 out of 5 will still avoid crowds. And nearly three-quarters said they planned to continue wearing masks in public. Source Link

Using a debit card can help you spend more responsibly but isn’t doing your credit score any favors. Most debit card activity isn’t measured by credit reporting agencies but you can use a credit card that’s gathering dust without going into debt. Set up automatic payments of a monthly bill using the credit card and automatic monthly payments to the credit card to clear that balance. Source Link

March 3, 2021

 If you’re prone to dialing calls with your derriere, you might blame it on the voice that runs your smartphone. Using Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant can make a butt dial more likely, so check the sensitivity settings. And be sure to trigger your lock screen by hitting the power/sleep/wake button before you slip that phone into your hip pocket. Source Link 

Are you sometimes confused about whether that new baby’s name is a boy or a girl? It won’t be getting easier. Beyond the Dakota’s and Tatum’s of the world there’s growing popularity for giving girls a name that’s traditionally more associated with boys. The list includes new favorites for girls like Noah, Ezra, Kai and Grayson. Source Link

A new scam has authorities warning you to keep track of your credit report. It’s called “credit parking” when bad collection agencies put a fake past-due bill in your name hoping you’ll pay it to restore good credit. Check your credit reports regularly and always before you apply for a job or look for a loan to clear inaccurate information before it causes problems. Source Link 

March 2, 2021

 You’re trying to keep your home clean but don’t do it this way. That cutting board should be soaked in a bleach solution and not washed with soap and using a dry rag for dusting just spreads dirt into the air. Follow the grain on stainless steel to remove smudges for good and don’t wash windows on a sunny day because the cleaner dries quickly and leaves streaks. Source Link 

It’s a new kind of selfie for good health. Owners of Google Pixel phones can now measure heart rate and breathing using the phone’s camera. Heart rate is measured by pointing the phone at your skin to register tiny changes in color. To measure breathing you’ll need to hold the camera facing your chest for 30 seconds. Source Link

Injuries from furniture or TVs toppling onto young children account for 11,000 emergency room visits each year so be sure you anchor it. The risk comes when curious kids climb up furniture that falls on them. Anchor your dressers, bookcases and TVs to the wall, keep heavier items in lower drawers and don’t put toys or other things on top that might encourage a child to climb. Source Link

March 1, 2021

 What are some keys to emotional well-being? Experts say having a positive outlook is important and regular mindfulness meditation can help you learn how to bounce back from adversity. And being more generous can help others and activate the parts of your brain that promote well-being. Source Link 

There’s a kind of yo-yo dieting that might help you shed more pounds. Alternate-day fasting has you not eating one day and then feasting the next day. In testing, people lost an average of seven pounds in a month without needing to count calories. Source Link 

Building a better sandwich starts with ingredients and the way you assemble them. You can kick up the flavor by mixing sriracha or chipotle peppers with mayo and have different textures of items that are soft or crunchy. Avoid soggy bread by adding butter, mayo or a slice of cheese under wet items and pack it in a hard-sided container to protect your sandwich until lunchtime. Source Link