November 29, 2024

 You don’t need to drop $1,000 or more on a new phone when a little DIY maintenance can revitalize your current one. Start with a thorough cleaning of the screen, body and case using a microfiber cloth. For the inside of your phone, delete unused apps, and old emails and text messages, and consider doing a factory reset to start fresh with your operating system. Source Link 

A cancer patient undergoing treatment will appreciate a care package that’s stocked with these thoughtful items. Chap Stick to soothe dry and irritated lips, fuzzy socks or slippers, hand sanitizer, a neck pillow or heating pad, a lap blanket and hard candy or gum are all welcome. And include something sentimental like a framed photo of family or friends. Source Link 

You want to make more money, but should you ask for a raise or look for a better-paying job? Changing jobs means learning a new routine and job hopping every few years can look bad on a resume. If you’re asking for a raise, have a specific number and a minimum or maximum salary range in mind and consider whether you’ll compromise or walk away if the answer is “no.” Source Link

November 27, 2024

Here’s a timely home maintenance tip that could save you money as the thermometer drops. Remember to flip the switch on the side of a ceiling fan to reverse its direction during months when you heat your home. This pushes warm air down from the ceiling to better circulate it in the room. Source Link 

Multitasking leads to overstimulation that can cause physical and mental stress, but you can take steps to avoid it. First, try to remove yourself from situations where this happens, and practice mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Also be sure to eat well and get good sleep, along with more movement and a dose of sunshine every day. Source Link 

What are some things that food safety experts never do in the kitchen? They don’t assume that a dish is cooked to the proper temperature and always use a food thermometer. They don’t wash raw meat before cooking because that can spread bacteria in and around the sink. And they keep that kitchen sink clean so fruits and veggies aren’t contaminated during washing. Source Link_

November 26, 2024

 Need a better strategy to quit smoking? Start with medications before you snuff out that last cigarette. Testing found that starting anti-smoking drugs four weeks in advance can increase the success rate. The extra time also helped people get in the right frame of mind to quit smoking. Source Link 

How could sitting be a great form of exercise? When you use a wall. Start by standing with your back against a wall and lower yourself into a sitting position while still holding your back to the wall. Try this for two minutes followed by two minutes of rest, and repeat this four times for a workout that’s good for your heart and might even lower blood pressure. Source Link_

Your smartphone has built-in tools to help you use it with one hand. Android phones have a dedicated one-handed mode that lets you shrink any app down to the bottom half of the screen and make it easier to reach. And an iPhone has a setting called “Reachability” that lets you shrink an app with a downward swipe to work more easily with one hand. Source Link_

November 25, 2024

 It’s happened to all of us – you settle in to watch that movie on TV and before you know it you’ve dozed off. To prevent this, don’t drink alcohol during your movie night and eat a lighter meal beforehand or when snacking during the show. Don’t get too cozy on that plush couch and never do your movie viewing in bed, because your mind knows that’s the place for sleep. Source Link 

Letting your kids help with cooking is a fun way to connect. Involve them in meal preparation, like adding veggies to a tossed salad or mixing ingredients. Younger children can play with food and kitchen-themed toys while you're at the stove, and empty pasta or cereal boxes or oatmeal and spice containers make great homemade toys. Source Link

When an emergency calls for you to do CPR, remember these “dont's.” You don’t need certification, don’t waste time checking for a pulse, don’t be squeamish about loosening clothing near the chest, don’t do mouth-to-mouth if it worries you, and don’t be afraid of hurting them. Most of all, don’t wait – start CPR immediately after calling 9-1-1. Source Link

November 22, 2024

An innocent internet search for that famous pop star or actor could leave a computer stuffed with malware from links that look like the real thing but aren’t. The good news is that the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines have safety settings that let you set limits to prevent those sketchy links from appearing in listings. Source Link 

What does that dream mean? One in which you’re falling could have to do with a fear of losing control, and dreams about being late may be a sign of worry over a challenge you’re facing in life. And nightmares can represent something you need to know but are pushing away. If a dream keeps coming back it could be your mind trying to send you a message that you’re not hearing. Source Link 

Here’s how you can create a store of non-perishable foods as part of a home emergency preparedness plan. Start with dry or canned beans, whole grains like quinoa and rice, and pasta. Peanut butter is a good source of protein and canned tomatoes, tuna, chicken, pasta sauce, green beans and corn, along with evaporated milk can provide many meals. Source Link

November 21, 2024

 Exercise shouldn’t put your health at risk and you can avoid injuries by making the right choices. If you have trouble with balance, swimming may be safer than running and arthritis sufferers should avoid high-impact exercise that can put more stress on joints. An exercise class instructor can help you modify movements to safeguard against injury. Source Link 

A simple swallow might be the easiest way to relieve pressure in your ears during takeoff and landing on a plane. Have a water bottle handy and take a few sips, try chewing gum, or even forcing a yawn. The one thing you should never do is plug your nose and blow hard to pop your ears. That could damage your eardrums. Source Link_

Practice can make perfect when helping your child learn to become more independent. Pick a task, explain the steps and try a dry run. Watch your child perform the task and only step in if things go completely wrong. This can teach them problem solving as well as how to perfect the task themselves. Source Link_

November 20, 2024

Need to downsize your diet without feeling the pain on your dinner plate? Some simple ways to cut 50 calories include swapping vanilla extract or cinnamon for sugar in your coffee or making that chicken or tuna salad with low-fat vinaigrette instead of mayo. Go easy on the barbecue sauce at the grill and use an oil spritzer when cooking with olive or sesame oil. Source Link 

Falling for a financial scam could be a warning sign of Alzheimer’s. Researchers found that people with brain scans showing changes associated with Alzheimer’s were more likely to be victims of a financial scam. This vulnerability could become a simple screening tool to help identify early signs of cognitive decline, especially in people over 70. Source Link_

Dentists preach the importance of daily flossing but what’s the most effective way to do it? If you can’t manage using dental floss, a water flosser can remove plaque. A better choice may be a disposable interdental brush that cleans between teeth where cavities can form. Source Link_

November 19, 2024

Your phone is low on power but try to resist the urge for a free public top-up. Charging stations in airports, coffee shops and even libraries can be infected with malware that gets into your phone through the power cord. A better solution is to carry an external battery to charge in a public place and then use it to power up your phone. Source Link 

What’s the benefit of eating from a rainbow of food colors? Red fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants that can reduce the risk of arthritis, heart disease, stroke and cancer. The beta- carotene in orange foods becomes vitamin A that combats cancer and heart disease. And yellow fruits and veggies have compounds that can reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Source Link

Everyday life can be tough on your hardwood floors. Avoid discoloration from heat by putting space heaters on rugs or mats and using a fireplace rug. Keep from tracking in dirt, salt or ice-melt chemicals that can damage wood and avoid cleaners with ammonia, vinegar, or bleach. And don’t use a vacuum with a rotating beater bar that can scratch the floor. Source Link

November 18, 2024

 Your WiFi router is the fast lane to information on all your home devices and you can keep them safe with a few simple steps. Change the default router credentials and create a strong WiFi password, turn on firewall and WiFi encryption, and create a guest network to protect your devices when others log on. And put your router in a central location further away from drive-by hackers. Source Link 

Bite-sized exercise might be the easiest way to get moving throughout the day. Researchers found that five minutes of walking every 30 minutes helped counteract the health risks from sitting on the job. Beyond improving physical health, regular walks to break up sitting can put you in a better mood and help you feel more energized. Source Link 

You hear a lot about having strong passwords, but what about the usernames you pick for online accounts? You want a username that isn’t easy to link to you, so avoid any combination or clever spelling of your first and last name or the city or state where you live and don’t use your birth year. And be sure the username doesn't hint at your password. Source Link

November 15, 2024

You can add utility companies to the list of those being impersonated by scammers who want to steal from you. The imposters will call and threaten to cut off service unless a payment is made immediately. If this happens to you, hang up and call the utility company directly and never provide payment information in response to this kind of call. Source Link 

“White coat syndrome” is when your blood pressure spikes every time you visit the doctor, but there are ways to help prevent it. Sit quietly and take deep breaths for a few minutes before the reading is taken, or bring someone with you because squeezing a loved one’s hand can reduce stress. And monitor your blood pressure at home to compare to readings at the doctor’s office. Source Link 

A 529 plan is a state-sponsored way to pay for a child’s educational expenses with savings that are free of federal income taxes. The money can be used for elementary, secondary or college costs, and up to $10,000 can go to pay off existing student loan debt. You’ll pay a 10-percent penalty and face federal taxes if you withdraw money from a 529 plan for non-educational use. Source Link


November 14, 2024

 When it comes to paying the tab during your vacation, you should be packing the plastic. A credit card can be frozen if lost or stolen and many cards include benefits like travel accident insurance and coverage for lost luggage or trip interruptions. Just be sure to pay off the balance completely when you’re back from your summer getaway. Source Link 

Trying to save money with discount cosmetic dental work could erase that smile and leave you with lifelong pain. Unlicensed technicians are offering cut-rate veneers that are lower quality and may permanently damage your teeth. Avoid any provider who works from beauty salons, hotel room or private home. Source Link

Saving on the high cost of printer ink can be as simple as adjusting a few settings. Use less ink by changing the print color to #010101 that will look like black but is mostly gray. Try fonts like Courier New or Garamond that use less ink and consider printing in Draft Mode if it’s something you don’t need to give to someone else. Source Link

November 13, 2024

 You can make the most of house hunting when you go off the beaten path during an open house. Head for the basement to look for obvious signs of dampness or aging HVAC equipment or take a walk around the block to see what the neighborhood is like. And don’t be fooled by expert staging or distracted by the pleasant smell of fresh-baked cookies. Source Link 

The combination of two successful diet plans could be just what the doctor ordered for your brain. The MIND Diet combines elements of the Mediterranean Diet and DASH Diet to focus on brain-healthy food groups including vegetables, berries, beans, whole grains, seafood, poultry, and olive oil to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment. Source Link

Knowing this number can help you drive safely. Find the 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number of your car on the lower driver’s side of the dashboard and plug that into the government’s auto recall listing at And be sure your address is current for your car’s registration so you can receive mail notices from the manufacturer about recalls. Source Link

November 12, 2024

 Protecting your hearing means knowing how loud is too loud. It’s too loud if you have to shout so that others can hear you within an arm's distance, or if you have a hard time hearing for a few hours after exposure to the noise. It’s also too loud if hearing it makes your ears ring or hurt. Source Link 

The sun can be your friend or foe when managing that home energy bill. It’s a seasonal thing, so keep drapes open in winter to let the sun shine in and warm your home for free. And in summer, you can use less AC by keeping drapes closed during the day, especially for south-facing windows. Source Link

There are two simple steps to better health that are practically free. Commit to drinking water as your go-to beverage for better hydration and fewer calories, and eat more fruits and veggies that are high in water content. And aim for seven hours of sleep every night by starting with an alarm that’s set for when you should be going to bed. Source Link

November 11, 2024

 There are many things that offer quality and a better price when bought used. Jewelry, musical instruments, office furniture and bicycles can be fine when they’re used. And fitness equipment, computers and laptops, and clothes for special occasions are also great second-hand choices. Source Link 

The DASH diet is top-rated for heart health and lowering blood pressure, but what’s in this plan? A typical person eating 2,000 calories a day would need 6 to 8 daily servings of grains, 4 to 5 servings of vegetables, 4 to 5 servings of fruits, 2 to 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy, plus 2 to 3 servings of fats and oils. Sweets are limited to one serving a day. Source Link 

Your hand will thank you if you break this habit when holding your phone. Balancing the phone with your pinkie on the back can cause painful compression of a nerve that runs from your armpit to your elbow and into your hand. Avoid that bad balancing act by using a pop-out holder and take breaks from scrolling to rest the muscles in your fingers. Source Link

November 8, 2024

Many of us have a desk drawer full of old dead phones but be careful they don’t come back to life in a bad way. Old batteries can swell up and may catch fire, so remove any phone like this and dispose of it safely. If you plan to keep an old phone as a backup, charge the battery to 50% and then turn the phone off and check that charge every six months. Source Link 

It’s a home appliance you may not think about, but one mistake can make a water heater a serious fire risk. Gas and oil-fired water heaters use a flame that could cause a fire if flammable items are too close to it. Never store anything on top of a water heater and keep at least three feet of clear space around it. Source Link 

The “Miles Per Gallon” rating is what most people use to measure a car’s fuel efficiency, but there’s another number that’s a better gauge for that. The “Gallons Per 100 Miles” rating makes it easier to quickly compare how much gas you’d use on a typical trip. That rating for every vehicle is available at Source Link

November 7, 2024

 Don’t be too quick to take your new puppy to the dog park. It's important to have them fully vaccinated against parvovirus before going anywhere your pup might encounter other dogs. The series of shots usually isn’t completed until 16 weeks of age and dogs are susceptible to the deadly disease until fully immunized. Source Link 

Getting the most from a nap comes down to time, place and length. Nap in the early afternoon when most people experience a dip in alertness and pick a place with little or no light and a comfortable temperature. And keep it short – a 10 or 20 minute nap can be refreshing and won’t leave you feeling groggy like sleeping 30 minutes or longer. Source Link

A great budget vacation may be one that doesn’t have you packing a bag or heading to the airport. You can live it up at home by treating yourself to dinners at fine restaurants, going to a concert or unwinding at a local spa. Be sure to put a hold on mail and don’t check email or answer work calls. Source Link

November 6, 2024

 Dealing with a sink full of dirty dishes could be a spiritual experience, if you do it the right way. Mindful dishwashing includes smelling the scent of the soap, focusing on the shape and feel of the dishes, and sensing the temperature of the water. Participants in a study found that mindful dishwashing reduced nervousness and improved mental inspiration. Source Link 

There’s a safe, effective and medication-free way to manage allergies that leave you sneezy, drippy or congested. A daily sinus rinse can help flush out pollen and other pollutants. You can buy a pre-made rinse or create your own with salt and baking soda mixed in distilled or boiled water. Source Link

When you make that online purchase could determine the price you pay. Many websites use dynamic pricing that can vary by the time of day or day of the week. Generally the best time to find a bargain is early in the week or at off-peak hours like late at night or early in the morning. Source Link

November 5, 2024

For older adults, weight training is more about building bones than getting bigger muscles. The body’s natural system of renewing bone mass slows down as we age and that can lead to osteoporosis. Resistance training with weights or bands stimulates the development of bone and uses more blood sugar, which can be a bonus for people with type 2 diabetes. Source Link 

Managing account passwords is important for security now and peace of mind after you’re gone. Access to email, phone and bank records and other accounts can be difficult for next-of-kin if they don’t have those passwords. A password manager can help you now and that program’s single password can be shared with a spouse, partner, adult child or an executor named in your will. Source Link_

You want to quit caffeine but without the headaches and irritability. Take it slow by gradually cutting back on caffeine over a period of four to six weeks and be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water or non-caffeinated drinks. You can also replace that coffee break with a healthy activity like a brisk walk and do it outside, if possible. Source Link_

November 4, 2024

What can you do with an old USB stick? Load it with portable applications that can be used on any PC without installing them. Create a rescue kit with apps that find malware or help recover from common computer problems. You can even load a complete portable operating system onto a thumb drive that can be used without needing to change a computer’s current setup. Source Link 

Here’s how to win the battle to fit everything in that carry-on bag. Make a packing list and then pare it down, especially with toiletries you won’t use. Fold bulky items and use packing cubes or plastic compression bags to leave you more space. Stash small items inside shoes or boots that you pack, and wear as many layers of clothing on the plane as you can, including a bulky coat to save space in your bag. Source Link 

It doesn’t take a lot to safeguard your privacy online. Switch to a web browser like Brave or DuckDuckGo that doesn't log your every move and use the Duck forwarding service to strip out trackers from your emails before you open them. And use a VPN on your phone or tablet to protect your sensitive data when you’re connecting to WiFi away from home. Source Link

November 1, 2024

 When lawn care season is over, be sure to stow that mower correctly. Clean the deck with a garden hose to remove all grass and use a paint scraper on that caked-on crud. Remove the battery if it’s electric or run the gas engine until the tank is empty, and then add some stabilized fuel and run it again to prevent damage from old gas sitting in the engine all winter long. Source Link 

It’s important to know when your personal information is surfacing on the web and a Google feature makes it easier to track. “Results About You” lets you set alerts for when your email, home address or phone number appear on Google. You can also flag any search results that include your social security number or credit card numbers, medical records or login credentials. Source Link 

Losing your luggage is no fun, but you can reduce the odds of being separated from your travel belongings. Use a luggage tag with up-to-date contact information and label the inside of the bag as well. Remove old baggage tags that might confuse handlers and make your bag stand out with a distinct luggage tag, belt or ribbon to prevent someone else from mistakenly grabbing it. Source Link