November 29, 2019

If you have trouble remembering where to keep your fresh fruit and produce to make it last longer, try storing it as it grows. That means tropical fruits like bananas or mangoes can sit at room temperature on the kitchen counter. Apples, berries and other produce that’s grown in Northern climates need to be in the refrigerator. Source Link

Looking for a gift to give that can also be good for you? An activity tracker is a great choice for the gadget fan and people who exercise might like a new yoga mat, exercise ball or slip-resistant socks. And a juicer can help anyone create a healthy breakfast. Source Link 

There’s a kitchen gadget that’s a time and money saver and is good for your health. A vacuum sealer inhibits bacteria growth and can keep foods fresh for longer. You can also use a vacuum sealer to prepare your own meal kits by combining seasonings with individual portions of an entree that can go from the freezer to the oven or grill. Source Link 

November 27, 2019

You should listen carefully before making that holiday gift list. A study found that recipients are more appreciative of gifts they specifically ask for so don’t try substituting. That means if they want a fitness tracker, don’t buy them a gym membership. Source Link

Does your “healthy” snack list include any of these nutritional no-no’s? Dietitians say baked chips are so low in fat you can eat plenty of them before you feel full. Pretzels have no nutritional value and store-bought smoothies are often loaded with sugar. And read labels for granola or cereal bars to choose one that’s high in fiber and lower in sugar. Source Link 

One out of three people say they eat lunch on the job, but there are better ways to use your mid-day break. Leave the office or take a walk for a change of scenery that will help revitalize your mind. Spend some time reading or taking an online course or grab a quick nap so you’ll be rested and ready to complete the workday. Source Link 

November 26, 2019

There are easy ways to keep your Thanksgiving menu lower on calories. When baking, try using whole-grain flour or at least a half and half mix. Use bananas or applesauce in place of fats and make portion-controlled desserts like mini-cheesecakes or cupcakes. And serve fruit on the side with every dessert. Source Link

How can your smartphone help you declutter your house? Testing showed that people were more likely to donate an old unused item with sentimental value if they took a picture of it. Having a photo of the item served the same purpose to help people remember the moment. Source Link 

Here’s an age-old fitness debate -- is it better to exercise before breakfast or after? A new study found that exercising before eating burned up to twice as many calories as breaking a sweat after breakfast. Researchers say exercising while still in the overnight fasting stage can increase health benefits with the same amount of effort. Source Link 

November 25, 2019

There’s one family member who shouldn’t share in the Thanksgiving feast. Feeding table scraps to dogs or cats can lead to food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea. If guests want to share with your pet give them a dog or cat treat and try to feed your pet at the same time your meal begins to avoid begging. Source Link 

The early risers may be the big earners. In a study of wealthy individuals nearly half of them said they wake up at least three hours before their workday starts. Getting up that early gives them time to do things like exercise, eat a healthy breakfast and organize their day before it begins. Source Link 

Playing some of your favorite games might be a great way to improve brain health for older people. Memory games like Match or Simon or word games like Scrabble or electronic versions of games like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud or Trivial Pursuit can exercise that most important muscle and be fun for young and old alike. Source Link 

November 22, 2019

Do you know the old saying about not going to bed angry? The same may be true for a workout. A study found that vigorous physical exertion combined with anger could double or triple your risk for a heart attack. Just like a pre-workout warm-up you should take time for deep breathing or something else that’s calming before you begin exercising. Source Link 

Your phone is low on power but resist the urge for a free public top-up. Charging stations in airports, coffee shops and even libraries can be infected with malware that gets into your phone through the power cord. A better solution is to carry an external battery and use it to power your phone. Source Link 

Personal safety at night takes a bit of vigilance and some common sense. If you walk your dog in the evening attach a pepper spray can to the leash and don’t use earbuds when walking alone at night. And if you suddenly notice someone following you call the police to send your location to them. Source Link 

November 21, 2019

If late-night snacking is a problem for you, the solution might begin in the early morning. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat later and getting more protein and fiber during the day can limit those refrigerator raids. And turn off the TV, tablet and cell phone earlier because more screen time can lead to mindless eating. Source Link 

When the workday is dragging, try this five-minute pick-me-up. Stand up and stretch or take a walk for 60 seconds. Spend two minutes completing a short online errand and then take a minute to write down your weekend plans. Finally, send a text or use a messaging app to check-in with someone you care about. Source Link 

Looking for an activity that can bring together family members both near and far? A family book club can make love for reading into a shared experience either in-person or by Skype or FaceTime. Consider a variety of books to introduce you to new topics or genres and let each family member take a turn at selecting the next book to read. Source Link 

November 20, 2019

You can’t have a dog or cat but want a family pet? Gerbils and guinea pigs can be fun for kids but might nip while they’re being held. Goldfish are easy to care for and birds like the budgie are affectionate and can often be taught to speak. A ferret is also a popular pet but isn’t legal in some areas, so check first. Source Link 

There’s one simple thing you can do to improve the odds that you’ll hit your retirement savings goal -- write it down. People with a written retirement plan were 60 percent more likely to increase their 401-k contributions and twice as likely to stick to their savings plan. But only one out of four people says they have a written financial plan. Source Link 

You might be better off tracking what you drink than watching what you eat to manage your weight. Animal studies have shown that beverages with added sugar led to more weight gain and affected insulin sensitivity more than sugars in solid food. And studies have shown that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages did not satisfy an appetite like food. Source Link 

November 19, 2019

We know about the higher odds of catching a cold on an airline flight, but what else can put your health at-risk at 30,000 feet? Seatback pockets and tray tables are hot spots for germs so don’t put any food in or on them. And be careful with the tops of aisle seats because many people touch these as they’re walking through the plane. Source Link 

What tech is sure to be the best buy on Black Friday? The prices on Amazon smart home devices always bottom-out and smart TV sets also see steep discounts in Black Friday sales. Smartphones can be cheaper but often because of “buy one get one free” offers and you can save on tablets including deals on previous generation iPads. Source Link 

Letting your child focus on one sport may be okay if they’re older and don’t play all year long. Recommendations from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association are to delay one-sport play for as long as possible because younger growing bodies can be harmed by overuse. Take at least two days off for rest each week and no more than eight months of playing a sport per year. Source Link 

November 18, 2019

You like those discounts when you sign up for a store credit card but think twice about using that kind of plastic. Getting an upfront discount and zero-percent financing for six months is fine as long as you mind the calendar. Leaving any balance due after the term is up will mean a high-interest charge on the entire cost of the purchase. Source Link 

There are easy ways to make a cell phone more affordable. All of the major carriers offer discounted plans for seniors and some give you savings on phone lines for your kids. Consider one of the smaller operators that charge less but use the same major networks and strip out unneeded extras like device insurance, enhanced email or directory assistance. Source Link 

It may be true that the slower you walk, the faster you’ll age. In a study, slow walkers at age 45 already had many of the signs of failing health that are seen in a geriatric clinic. It takes a good heart, strong lungs and more strength to walk well and your speed can reflect the health of all of your body's systems. Source Link 

November 15, 2019

Nighttime snacking can set up a vicious loop that keeps you eating more and sleeping less. Late-night snacking has been shown to increase cravings for junk food and disrupt sleep patterns, making it more likely that you’ll conduct another midnight raid of the fridge. Overeating can lead to obesity and that also can cause problems with sleep. Source Link 

Most of us have thrown out food based on expiration dates, but you might not need to trash it. Milk is typically safe for two to three days after the “sell by” date, as are many perishables once they’ve been refrigerated. But if something smells bad, curdles or turns a suspicious color, toss it. Source Link 

If you like to scroll through your smartphone or tablet in bed at night, be sure to get lots of sunlight during the day. Research showed that people who had plenty of exposure to daylight were less likely to have their sleep disturbed by a glowing screen. The light from smartphone and tablet screens can confuse your internal time clock and make it harder to fall asleep. Source Link 

November 14, 2019

Vitamin-enhanced foods are probably too little or too much of a good thing. Foods can be enriched to replace nutrients lost during processing but it might not fully substitute for the real thing. And a vitamin-fortified food might give you too much if you already take a multivitamin or add a false sense of healthiness to what’s otherwise junk food. Source Link 

If you really want to enjoy TV you need to #no live-tweeting. People who tweeted about a program while they were watching didn’t enjoy it as much as those who concentrated on just the show. Researchers say live-tweeting prevents a viewer from being transported into the story for full enjoyment. Source Link 

Buying online can often mean savings but some Internet purchases may have a downside. Furniture, mattresses and home appliances are all items that could be difficult to return and shoes, makeup and vintage clothing bought online may be a bad fit. And you’ll often get fresher flowers from a local store than you would from an online florist. Source Link 

November 13, 2019

Your computer isn’t the only home tech gear that can benefit from an occasional restart. A router reboot can refresh the WiFi connection with other devices and may even stop malware from connecting should it infect your computer. A router reboot once a month can be an easy bit of preventative maintenance for your home network. Source Link 

It’s a nightmare when a smartphone gets dropped in water but there’s a smart way to dry things out. If it fell in saltwater give your phone a quick rinse in clean water to prevent corrosion and then remove the cover and lay it down flat. Turn the phone off immediately and give it about 48 hours to dry out but don’t use a hairdryer or put it in a bowl of rice to speed things up. Source Link 

The long weekend is a favorite getaway and there are ways to save on your mini-vacation. Book your rental car as far ahead as possible to get the best rates but consider waiting to find last-minute deals on unsold hotel rooms. The same strategy might also work with an Airbnb that still has an opening a few days before you plan to leave. Source Link 

November 12, 2019

If you’d rather not have your digital life harvested for sale by data brokers there are some steps to shut it down. Begin by making Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts private and then go to to search for data brokers that allow you to remove your information from their service. Source Link 

These classic first aid moves need some updating. Do pinch your nose but don’t tip your head back with a nosebleed because that lets the blood run down your throat. Skip the ice or butter and use cool water to treat a burn. And don’t rinse off a tooth that been knocked out. Put it in a cup of milk and take it to the dentist. Source Link 

When you want that food truck meal or party plate to taste better, take a seat. Researchers found that people who ate while standing felt that the same foods didn't taste as good as eating when sitting. They think it’s because of your body’s vestibular sense that deals with balance and posture also works with your sense of taste. Source Link 

November 11, 2019

We know about shopping bags and diapers but there are lots more things that come in reusable versions. There are reusable drinking straws, sandwich bags, drink boxes, K-cups for coffee, dryer balls, and silicone lids for food bowls. You can even get your own cloth bag for produce shopping and skip those flimsy plastic ones. Source Link 

When you’re looking to raise your credit score you should resist the urge to purge those old credit cards. Closing an unused credit card lowers your total available credit and that can hurt your rating. If you’re paying an annual fee you can ask about switching the card to a fee-free version. Source Link 

How can you put five minutes to good use to improve your mood? Try focused breathing or meditate by silently repeating a word or phrase. Five minutes of brisk movement can help too and you can recharge by unplugging all devices for five minutes and let your mind wander. Source Link 

November 8, 2019

When and what you eat can be an important combination for weight loss and better health. A high-protein breakfast might keep your appetite in check for the whole day, and a small meal with carbs and protein before exercise followed by a similar snack afterward can help you get the most from a workout. Source Link 

Giving kids household chores can teach them to be responsible and build self-esteem. Find ones that are age-appropriate like putting away toys, making their bed, setting the table or raking leaves. Put these on a calendar with scheduled days and times and consider giving an allowance to older kids who do heavier chores. Source Link 

If you’re among the half of Americans who admit to using retail therapy to cope with stress you might slow down the compulsive shopping with the “30-day rule.” Wait one month before making that impulse buy. If you still want it 30 days later, it’s probably a worthwhile purchase. Source Link 

November 7, 2019

If you feel a cold coming on, reach for the tea kettle. Research has shown that drinking black tea can boost your immune system and the antioxidants in green tea can slow down viruses that cause the common cold. You don’t have to wait until you’re feeling sick because drinking tea every day can build your defenses against colds and flu. Source Link 

You can step up to better sleep by upping your daily steps. In a study, people who added 2,000 steps to their daily routine experienced a longer and better quality of sleep. Many people already use a fitness tracker that counts steps and you can do the same thing with most smartphones. Source Link 

What are some red flags in a vehicle history report for that car you want to buy? Too many owners could mean the car has had ongoing problems and a salvage title shows that the vehicle was once totaled. And your mechanic should check to see if repairs were done properly if there’s an accident history with major structural damage or airbag deployment. Source Link 

November 6, 2019

Charging your phone while in the car isn’t a good idea. USB ports in cars typically don’t provide enough power and if your car has an older battery it could be drained by charging your phone. It’s better to top-up at home and have a portable power pack to charge the phone when you’re on the road. Source Link 

For many people, we’re entering the time of year when they can feel SAD. That’s Seasonal Affective Disorder when less sunlight may lower your serotonin levels and trigger depression or sleeping or eating problems. The treatment is to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine or similar artificial light each day. Source Link 

Need a reason to get a dog? It could add years to your life, especially if you’ve suffered a heart attack or stroke. Dog owners are less socially isolated and get more exercise by walking their four-legged friend. A study of millions of dog owners found that they were 30 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular problems. Source Link 

November 5, 2019

Even after you kick the habit, the effects of cigarette smoking can linger for a long time. A study found that toxins from tobacco smoke persist in a home for at least six months after you quit and remain a threat to nonsmoking residents. So-called “thirdhand smoke” particles get into carpets, wallpaper, ceiling tiles, upholstery, clothes, blankets and pillows. Source Link

Many pregnant women aren’t getting the message that they need vaccinations to protect themselves and their unborn child. In a survey by the Centers for Disease Control, two out of three pregnant women didn’t get a flu shot or a booster shot for whooping cough. Both may be deadly for newborns who can’t be vaccinated. Source Link 

Getting your Netflix on is getting expensive for people who’ve been caught in a new scam. It starts with an email saying that your Netflix account has been suspended because your credit card couldn’t be processed and asks you to click on a link to re-enter the information but instead sends it to scammers. If you get this email go to and log on to your account from there to see if it’s real. Source Link 

November 4, 2019

If eating out is taking a toll on your diet plan you can try these tips. Choose a restaurant with healthier fare, like Asian cuisine or Greek or Spanish that feature fish, grilled lean meat and vegetables. Look at menus online and know what you’ll have before you arrive. And instead of an entree try sharing several appetizers and have one dessert for all. Source Link 

Thinking ahead and creating a special stash can save you time and money when you need to give a gift. Make a “gift closet” and stock it with common items that can be given to kids and adults or for weddings or baby showers. Buy these gifts when they’re on sale and if you don’t have a closet you can keep the gifts in a large plastic storage bin. Source Link 

Saying “I do” helps you live longer. So says the latest government health statistics showing that the death rate for married persons is declining faster than that for single people. And you may want to stay married because the death rate for divorced people is on the rise. Source Link 

November 1, 2019

If you’re minding that credit score there are some things that won’t ding your rating. Paying off a credit card won’t hurt but canceling one will because it reduces your total available credit. Checking your credit report or a credit check by an employer has no impact and you can’t have too many credit cards unless you carry balances that you can’t pay off each month. Source Link 

Borrowing from your local library probably includes more than just books, movies or CDs. The American Library Association lists over 200 items that cardholders can borrow for free, from air mattresses to wall art and yoga mats to yogurt makers. Plenty of tech items are on the list, including Bluetooth speakers, webcams, streaming players and even WiFi hotspots. Source Link 

You’ve heard of refinancing your mortgage, but how about the loan for that set of wheels? Auto loan refinancing may be an easy way to save money because many people don’t shop around for the best rates when buying a car. Refinancing an auto loan is much simpler than a mortgage and may take just one day to complete. Source Link