November 30, 2021

 A handful of simple chores done now can keep your kitchen cleaner and safer for holiday meals. Pull the dishwasher filter and scrub it with hot water and an old toothbrush and clean the range hood vent filter too. Seal any natural stone to prevent food stains, treat your wood tables with an oil or wax, and check the fridge temperature to avoid any post-holiday surprises from spoiled leftovers. Source Link

You can build more exercise into your workday. Start simple by moving your wastebasket and other essentials away from your desk. Walk over to talk with a colleague instead of emailing or phoning and take the stairs to a restroom on another floor. You can also use resistance bands to do foot curls and arm stretches at your desk. Source Link 

How do you eat healthy when fast food is your only choice for a meal? Look for the lowest calorie selections and go for lean protein like grilled or broiled meats served in a salad instead of on a bun and skip the fatty or sugary dressings. And resist the urge to eat in your car - go into the restaurant and take time to enjoy your food. Source Link

November 29, 2021

 The easiest way to get control of managing your finances may be doing less. Automate bill payments and deposits to savings and investments and pay for everything with a credit card that you pay off each month. And consolidate all your account information like the type of account and password in one notebook or file folder. Source Link 

The terms may be used interchangeably but there’s a difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning helps to remove dirt while disinfecting helps kill bacteria and viruses. Cleaning comes first by using a towel or soap and water, followed by a disinfectant product or a solution made from four teaspoons of bleach for each quart of water. Source Link 

Improving your memory may as simple as counting to one. Focusing on doing one thing at a time can improve your ability to store and process information. Researchers found that heavy multitaskers significantly underperformed at doing things that required working memory and sustained attention. Source Link 

November 26, 2021

 Add more of these five foods to your diet to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Vegetables, whole grains, legumes; nuts and seeds, and fiber-rich fruit contain cancer-preventing nutrients and fiber that can help your digestive tract stay healthy. Fruit can be fresh or frozen and eat fruits from a rainbow of colors. Source Link 

Home remodeling often happens with an eye toward increasing the property value, and some of the least expensive projects deliver the biggest payoffs. A new entry door, replacement windows, a new wood deck or a kitchen update are among the higher value projects. And the one that practically pays for itself at resale time? A new garage door. Source Link 

Insomnia is a common problem for older people but the solution could be as close as your favorite streaming playlist. Researchers found that playing music at bedtime resulted in better sleep. It’s important to choose the right kind of tune and the most effective was calming music with a slower tempo and smoother melody. Source Link 

November 24, 2021

 What kinds of used products are a better buy? Exercise equipment, hand tools, sports gear, bikes and furniture may have plenty of life in them for a second owner. Used clothing can be a big saver even when compared to prices at a discount store and buying a used car helps you avoid the fast depreciation that happens with a new one. Source Link 

It may not pay to be that person who grabs the restaurant check with hopes of scoring rewards points on your credit card. In a survey, 70 percent of people say they’ve been stiffed at least once by fellow diners and it happens frequently to one in four people who pick up the check. Source Link 

We can all help the environment in simple ways in everyday life. Using LED bulbs, a low-flow showerhead or a smart thermostat is a good start but also think about reducing your carbon footprint. You can eat more locally-sourced foods to cut down on fossil fuel use in transportation. Source Link 

November 23, 2021

 Getting rid of car clutter is easy with these simple tips. Keep an envelope in the glove box to quickly stash receipts and check it once a week to see what you need to keep. A silicone muffin tin liner can protect a cup holder from dirt and spills and use an empty tissue box as a trash container. Attach Velcro strips and stick it to the carpeting near the passenger seat. Source Link 

We know there are many health benefits for a baby that’s breastfed but the mother might also get a brain boost from it. A study revealed that breastfeeding may reduce the risk of cognitive decline for women in later life. Women who’d breastfed a child scored higher on cognitive tests at age 50 and might be better protected against mental decline and dementia later in life. Source Link 

Other than turkey dinner at Grandma’s, what places are the top travel destinations for Thanksgiving? Think theme parks and big parades. According to AAA, the number-one Thanksgiving travel spot is Orlando, Florida, the home of Disney World followed by Anaheim, California where Disneyland is located. And the third most popular Turkey Day destination is New York City, the home of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Source Link 

November 22, 2021

 What kinds of used products are a better buy? Exercise equipment, hand tools, sports gear, bikes and furniture may have plenty of life in them for a second owner. Used clothing can be a big saver even when compared to prices at a discount store and buying a used car helps you avoid the fast depreciation that happens with a new one. Source Link 

It may not pay to be that person who grabs the restaurant check with hopes of scoring rewards points on your credit card. In a survey, 70 percent of people say they’ve been stiffed at least once by fellow diners and it happens frequently to one in four people who pick up the check. Source Link 

We can all help the environment in simple ways in everyday life. Using LED bulbs, a low-flow showerhead or a smart thermostat is a good start but also think about reducing your carbon footprint. You can eat more locally-sourced foods to cut down on fossil fuel use in transportation. Source Link 

November 19, 2021

 Being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is stressful but you can take steps to reduce the risk of burnout. Set realistic goals and be adaptable to adjust to situations in constructive ways and deal with what you can control. And take care of your health by eating right and clearing your mind with exercise, yoga, meditation, listening to music or deep breathing. Source Link 

Can you improve comprehension by taking 10 after a lesson? Researchers found that people who rested quietly for 10 minutes after learning something improved their ability to remember fine details. Sleep relaxes the synapses in your brain to improve neuroplasticity that’s necessary to build memory. Source Link 

If you wash dishes by hand it’s time for your tools to come clean. A damp sponge is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria so clean it regularly in a solution of bleach and water or put a wet sponge in the microwave to disinfect it. Better yet, try a plastic or silicone scrub brush that can dry out after every use. Source Link 

November 18, 2021

 Zip-close sandwich bags are good for more than packing your lunch. Fill one with cedar chips and poke a few holes and hang it in a closet for a fresh smell, or snip off a corner to make a funnel. Zip a sandwich bag over an outdoor padlock to keep it from freezing in winter and put hardened marshmallows in a sealed sandwich bag to soften them up. Source Link 

You can use your voicemail greeting to get help when you’re stranded in winter weather and your phone battery dies. If you’re unable to reach anyone, open your phone settings and create a custom greeting with details of where you are and what’s happened. Then if someone calls and is looking for you they’ll get the information even if your phone is off. Source Link 

If you can stop smoking before you reach 45 you have a good chance to avoid cancer. Researchers found that those who kicked the habit by that age reduced their excess risk of any kind of cancer death by 87 percent. And if they stopped smoking by age 35, that excess risk of cancer death disappeared. Source Link 

November 17, 2021

 Lining a hat with tin foil may not be the best look but doing the same thing with a car key might thwart a thief. A keyless fob wrapped in foil can’t be used by a nearby hacker to unlock a car when the vehicle is parked outside. Alternatives include storing key fobs in a special pouch or box that blocks radio signals or keeping your key in a microwave oven that’s not running. Source Link 

Cold season has arrived and it’s a good time to review the difference between a cold and the flu. Think “wet versus dry” because a cold usually comes with symptoms like a drippy nose and sneezing while the flu brings a dry cough. Both can hit you with achiness and fever, but the flu comes on fast while a cold takes a few days to develop. Source Link 

Why is the snooze button on an alarm clock set for nine minutes? When the feature was introduced in the 1950s the mechanics of alarm clocks made it hard to set a snooze time with two digits, so nine minutes was the next best thing. It’s been the standard ever since but you can choose a different snooze time in the settings of the clock app on your smartphone. Source Link 

November 16, 2021

 Teaching kids the value of money can be fun. Try filling a two-liter bottle with dimes to show children how small amounts can add up over time. Pay them interest when they save their allowance or have a “no money” day when you enjoy free activities and don’t spend any money. Source Link 

Body slings and other baby-wearing products may put infants at higher risk for injury because parents don’t use the fabric carriers correctly. You should first practice wrapping the sling around your body using a doll or stuffed animal and then make adjustments. And having your baby in an upright position in a sling rather than cradled allows them to breathe easier. Source Link 

You’ve probably had some scratches on your eyeglass lenses and there’s a DIY way to fix that. Rinse the glasses in warm water and dry with a clean microfiber cloth and then mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with water to make a paste that you gently rub onto the lenses with another clean cloth. Then use a third clean microfiber cloth to wipe down the lenses. Source Link 

November 15, 2021

 Most homes have two built-in bacteria busters. The sanitize cycle on a dishwasher can disinfect pet bowls, scrub pads and some plastic kid’s toys. And using your dryer on a high heat setting for 30 minutes can wipe out microorganisms on clothing as well as germs on stuffed animals and throw blankets. Source Link 

What foods can have a long and healthy life on your shelf? Vinegars, honey, vanilla or other extracts, sugar, salt, corn syrup and molasses will last virtually forever as will white flour and white rice. Unrefined grain products like whole-wheat bread can be frozen to greatly extend their useful life. Source Link 

Staying sharper as we age could mean more shuffling cards and breaking out the board games. Researchers found that people in their 70s who regularly played board games scored higher on tests of memory and thinking skills. And those who played games were more likely to maintain thinking skills as they age. Source Link 

November 12, 2021

 These simple kitchen tricks make for tastier food. Your pancakes will be fluffier when you use carbonated water in the mix and grating a hardened stick of butter will evenly distribute it into pie or dessert dough. And putting a slice of white bread in an airtight container with freshly baked cookies will keep them soft for days. Source Link 

A beeping alarm may not be the best way to wake you from sleep. Researchers found that “melodic” music -- anything you could easily sing or hum along to -- was more effective at reducing sleep inertia, the groggy feeling you can have just after waking up. It’s known that music activates certain brain regions which control attention. Source Link 

A bobby pin can do more than keep your hair neat. Use one to safely hold a nail in place as you hammer it or to replace a missing zipper tab. A bobby pin can easily pit a cherry or olive and can secure the loose end of a belt that’s just short of a pants loop. And use a bobby pin to mark the end of a roll of tape for an easy start the next time you use it. Source Link 

November 11, 2021

 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so don’t sabotage it with poor food choices. Be sure to get enough protein and be careful to keep your breakfast at about 400 calories. Don’t fill up on carbs, avoid frozen breakfast meals that can be high in sodium and try fresh fruit instead of fruit juice that’s high in sugar. Source Link 

“What’s coming in the mail today?” is a question you can answer by using a free program from the Postal Service. “Informed Delivery” sends residential and post office box customers an email with digital images of the front of the envelope for items arriving that day. You can also keep track of mail when you’re away and need to know if something’s been delivered. Source Link 

Simple physics may explain why too much screen time can be bad for a child’s eyesight. Researchers found that more screen time can increase kids’ risk of nearsightedness by up to 80%. They think this happens because developing eyesight is hampered by not spending enough time looking at distant objects as you would outdoors. Source Link 

November 10, 2021

 Why not try stepping off, speeding up or diving into a new exercise plan? Start by scheduling a daily walk and find other ways to take more steps each day. You can also pick up the pace with house cleaning or other chores to make it more of a workout or take a water fitness class that lets you exercise with less resistance. Source Link 

You can learn a lot about kitchen organizing from watching old episodes of Julia Child’s cooking show. Hang a magnetic knife strip vertically so it’s safer and easier to grab a knife and sort utensils into multiple storage crocks. A burner cover can turn seldom-used cooktop space into room for extra storage and keep dried goods in pull-out bins for easier access. Source Link 

How do you beat that mid-day slump without caffeine? Eating a low-carb, protein-rich breakfast and lunch can avoid blood sugar spikes that slow you down and drink more water to stop mild dehydration that can inhibit brain function. And move your body for 15 minutes with a quick walk, stair climbing or a stretching session. Source Link 

November 9, 2021

 It’s easy to eat healthy anytime when you stock your freezer with these items. Frozen shrimp or fish fillets are rich in protein and low in fat and frozen vegetables can be as nutritious as fresh. Frozen berries make a great smoothie and whole wheat flatbreads or tortillas will keep in the freezer for months. You can even satisfy that sweet tooth with frozen 100 percent fruit bars. Source Link__

Brushing your teeth is part of the morning ritual but should you do it before or after breakfast? You want to brush your teeth every morning to remove bacteria that builds up overnight, but brushing right after breakfast or any meal can be hard on tooth enamel that’s softened by eating. Waiting about 30 minutes to brush can protect your teeth from damage. Source Link 

Health experts say the typical teenager needs eight to ten hours of sleep per night, but only 20 percent of them hit that mark. A strategy to get those teen zzz’s is more physical activity and less caffeine after school; avoiding naps after 4 pm and having meals at the same time every day, but not too close to bedtime, plus turning off all screens 30 minutes before bedtime. Source Link

November 8, 2021

 More baby tears now might mean less crying later. Infants who were left to cry a few times had shorter bouts of crying at 18 months. It’s important for parents to know the different kinds of crying like hunger or needing to be changed and find opportunities to help babies learn to self-regulate during daytime and nighttime. Source Link 

Avoid these pitfalls to have a great online grocery shopping experience. Understand the timing for pickup or delivery and be ready to book ahead for busy times like holidays and look for special codes and discounts that are often available. And carefully check your order before you hit “send” to prevent any surprises when you’re unpacking those groceries. Source Link 

Try these simple steps to avoid credit card debt. Remove “one-click” pay options on shopping websites to prevent impulse buys and pay as you go by opening the card app and making a payment to cover your purchases every day. Better yet, pre-pay your credit card for however much you’ve budgeted for expenses for the week. Source Link 

November 5, 2021

 There could be a scientific reason why you feel refreshed after a day spent in the great outdoors. Research has shown that hearing a bird sing or the sound of lapping waves can combat feelings of stress. Even in busy national parks, listening to natural sounds along with human noise still provided some health benefits. Source Link 

They keep your laundry soft and smelling fresh, but dryer sheets have many other uses. Dryer sheets in a suitcase can freshen the smell of travel-weary clothing and using them in a sock drawer does the same. A used dryer sheet with a few drops of water can clean bathroom soap scum and wiping baseboards with a dryer sheet can minimize static and keep them clean for longer. Source Link 

Are you putting your body’s internal cleaning system to good use? Autophagy is the process of removing damaged cells and generating new ones and it’s believed that autophagy can attack cells that lead to cancer. Intermittent fasting and regular exercise are ways to stimulate autophagy in your body. Source Link

November 4, 2021

 How can you “clearly” improve the look of your refrigerator and maybe your waistline too? Put small items like yogurt cups in clear plastic bins so they don’t get lost in the back of a shelf. And keep fresh fruit and raw vegetables up front in a clear container so you can easily see your way to healthy snacking. Source Link 

If virtual work meetings leave you worn out, it might be best to take yourself out of the picture. Research has shown that having your webcam on for a long time is mentally draining because of the pressure to look good, have a professional background and limit visual distractions. The solution is to let participants turn off the webcam without assuming that it affects productivity. Source Link

When you have new smartphone envy you can improve the experience on your old phone with a few tricks. Get a new case, mix up your wallpaper and app arrangement, clear out storage space to make the phone run faster, and clean the charging port or even replace the battery. And look for third-party apps that can bring new functionality to your phone. Source Link

November 3, 2021

 If eating out is ending up on your waistline there are ways to beat that bulge. Choose a restaurant with healthier fare, like Asian cuisine or Greek or Spanish that feature fish, grilled lean meat and vegetables. Look at online menus and know what you’ll have before you arrive. Instead of an entrĂ©e try ordering several appetizers and have one dessert for all to share. Source Link 

Six out of ten Americans suffer eye strain from too much computer screen time, but there are some simple remedies. Position a computer monitor so your eye level is 15 inches above the center of the screen and remember the 20-20-20 rule -- every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Source Link 

Children have many ways to avoid bedtime but there are some tactics you can use to keep them on-schedule for sleep. Start earlier and incorporate stalling into the routine, and use whatever your kid’s prize the most before bedtime and let them know there won’t be time to do it unless they’re ready earlier. Source Link

November 2, 2021

 If you like to catch some sleep on an airline flight, don’t close your eyes until you’re up in the air. Sleeping through takeoff or landing doesn’t allow you to adjust to rapid air pressure changes. That could clog your ears and cause dizziness, eardrum damage, nosebleeds and even hearing loss. Source Link 

Cleaning by the numbers is one way to tackle the clutter in your home. Pick a number of things you’ll put away in one session and focus on one thing at a time, like stray shoes or getting rid of unneeded extras of some item. And always keep one box or bag ready to hold items that can be donated. Source Link 

Before the “For Sale” sign goes up, take some steps to make your home more appealing to buyers. Depersonalize the space by putting away family photos and collectibles and aim for less of everything in a room to make it look bigger. And brighten your home by adding higher-wattage bulbs and removing heavy window treatments to let the sun shine in. Source Link

November 1, 2021

 Quitting smoking can make room fast in a tight budget and the health benefits also start quickly. Within 20 minutes of that last cigarette, your blood pressure returns to normal levels and after 8 hours the deadly carbon monoxide gas in your bloodstream is cut in half. After 2 days the risk of heart attack is substantially reduced and you should notice that breathing is easier after 3 days. Source Link 

You know your computer can benefit from an occasional shutdown but try this before simply hitting the “power” button. For most newer computers a “restart” is the same as “shut down” with one advantage. A restart ends all programs and clears the memory and processor immediately without needing to create a large file that the computer must reference on the next start-up. Source Link 

Most people know that scratching an itch only makes it worse, but why is that? Scientists say the act of scratching creates pain that cancels out the itching sensation, but the brain overrides that pain and the itching returns. Experts say the best way to deal with an itch is to give the spot a slap or a rub. Source Link