June 30, 2021

 For a better start to your day, try reaching for something besides your phone when you wake up. You could journal, stretch, make coffee or read one book chapter. Another habit to break is sitting while you’re on your phone. Take calls standing or walking and you’ll cut down on the amount of time that you’re sitting each day. Source Link

Sleep schedules for kids can take a beating during summer but there are ways to help them. Younger children usually wake up at the same time every day regardless of whether school is in session so keep them to within an hour of regular bedtimes. Most teens have mastered the art of sleeping late but you should limit them to a few hours each morning. Source Link 

To avoid stressing about work during your vacation, try this plan to take care of things before you go. Three weeks from vacation, meet with co-workers or clients who may be impacted by your absence. Two weeks out, alert everyone and put your vacation on a shared company calendar. And two days before you leave, remind coworkers who will cover for you and send an out-of-office email listing an alternate contact. Source Link 

June 29, 2021

 Better eating habits can begin with simple steps. You'll get more raw vegetables by finding a salad dressing or dip you love to eat with those veggies. Portion out nuts and repack them into individual serving sizes and store fruit at the front of the refrigerator’s top shelf instead of in a drawer. When you open the fridge for a snack a healthy choice will be the first thing you see. Source Link 

Here’s a tip that might help reduce online impulse shopping. Don’t save your credit card information on websites where you frequently shop. Having to grab your wallet to pay for an impulse purchase adds an extra step and gives you more time to consider whether you really need the item. Source Link 

Your dog requires some special help to stay safe in summer. Dogs will push themselves to please you no matter the temperature, so avoid strenuous play during the hottest times of the day. Not all dogs can swim well, so use a doggy life vest if you’re in deep water and make sure your dog has protection from ticks that are abundant in summer. Source Link 

June 28, 2021

 Some people say they can’t think right on an empty stomach, but is there a good food to eat before you make a big decision? Choose food high in tryptophan like chicken soup or chocolate. Tryptophan helps to make the brain chemical serotonin that plays a major role in the decision-making process. Source Link 

Looking for a natural energy boost that’s not caffeinated? Hazelnuts, cashews or almonds are rich in magnesium, and whole eggs are packed with protein and B vitamins, which help convert food into energy. Fresh fruit can also provide natural sugar along with beneficial fiber and vitamin C from oranges, kiwi, mangoes, pineapple or strawberries. Source Link 

Watch for these red flags to avoid being scammed when renting a vacation home or apartment online. Beware of owners who want you to communicate or send money outside of the rental platform. And do some homework online by checking to see if the address exists or using a Google image search to find out if the pictures in the listing are from elsewhere. Source Link 

June 25, 2021

 Want to put your photo skills to work making money? Many websites buy photos from amateurs for sale in a stock library. For subject matter, think about timeliness to match current search trends. Create images that can portray a concept instead of an object or a place and shoot photos with people to illustrate this. Source Link 

Thinking outside that box of Mac and Cheese can really help when you’re donating to a local food bank. Some simple things like spices, salt and pepper, tea bags, sugar, flour and coffee are always welcome. Better yet, donating money to a food bank lets them purchase items at prices far lower than what you’d pay at the grocery store. Source Link 

One simple move may help your child have a better credit rating when they’re older. Adding a child as an authorized user to a credit card helps them benefit from your good habits. Having a healthy credit score can be important for young adults who want to rent an apartment, sign up for utilities or get their own cell-phone plan. Source Link 

June 24, 2021

 How much of a nag is your smartphone? Americans are checking them an average of 96 times a day, and often because of notifications. Turn most of them off and establish no-phone zones at the dinner table and in the bedroom. Instead of using your phone to wake up, buy an alarm clock and face it away from you to avoid checking the time during the night. Source Link

Here’s a simple step that might help you keep that weight off after a successful diet. People who maintained their weight loss spent about three hours less each day sitting. In addition to finding ways to sit less and move more, you should eat a healthy diet and monitor your weight and food intake. Source Link

There’s a good reason why the first photos you take at your vacation destination might be shots of your rental car. Taking pictures of your car from all sides can provide proof of any scrapes, dings or marks that were there before you drove the rental car and that can help you avoid paying for that damage. Source Link 

June 23, 2021

 Doing just 10 minutes of resistance training every morning can build stronger muscles and maybe a longer life. People who did about an hour of muscle strengthening exercises each week were 29% less likely to die during a 12-year study. Cardio exercise alone isn’t enough to protect from the problems of aging. Source Link 

Which clothes should survive the cut when you're thinning out your wardrobe? Ask yourself, “Do I wear it now or is it seasonal?” or “Do I feel confident in it?” or “Does this have sentimental value?” Consider if the clothing can be tailored to fit or passed down to someone. You might also clean and store the item or take a photo of it before you donate, sell or recycle. Source Link

Here’s how to make the move back to your parent’s home easier if you’re a young adult just out of school or between jobs. Set clear expectations about what you’ll contribute to the household and have a timeline and a plan for when you expect to move out. And act like an adult and ask your parents to treat you as one and not the child you were before. Source Link

June 22, 2021

 Home recyclers have long debated whether you need to rinse out an item before dropping it into the blue bin. Experts say a quick water rinse or just a shake and a wipe with a paper towel works fine. If you recycle paper, cans and jars together make sure any leftover food isn’t dripping on the paper. Source Link 

Is the date printed on food packaging there to make sure what you’re eating is safe or is tasty? “Use by” gives you a date by which food should be consumed and “Best by” refers to quality. Some foods are moving to a two-date label with the earlier date for “best quality” and the later date as a “use by” deadline. Source Link

Freezing your credit report can prevent an identity thief from getting a loan or credit card in your name. The three major national credit agencies let you do this online for free and you’ll need to provide your social security number and answer a few questions to verify your identity. You’ll then set a PIN number that you can use to unfreeze your credit report when needed. Source Link 

June 21, 2021

 What kinds of used products are a better buy? Exercise equipment, hand tools, sports gear, bikes and furniture may have plenty of life in them for a second owner. Used clothing can be a big saver even when compared to prices at a discount store and buying a used car helps you avoid the fast depreciation that happens with a new one. Source Link 

Staying sharper as we age could mean more shuffling cards and breaking out the board games. Researchers found that people in their 70s who regularly played board games scored higher on tests of memory and thinking skills. And those who played games were more likely to maintain thinking skills as they age. Source Link 

Houseplants are more than just pretty to look at -- they could also improve your health. The scent of rosemary may help with memory by boosting a brain neurotransmitter. Peace Lillies can purify the air by removing toxins from paint and varnish and a spider plant can clean dangerous formaldehyde from indoor air. Source Link 

June 18, 2021

 You can do a lot with your old smartphone after you buy that new one. Besides being a hand-me-down, your old phone could be a hands-free screen for use with Siri or Google Assistant or you can put it to work as a dedicated remote for your TV or smart home system. And that old phone can be a new handheld gaming device for young children who won’t need to play with your new phone. Source Link 

Should brushing your teeth be part of the morning ritual right after breakfast? You want to brush every morning but doing it immediately after breakfast or any meal can be hard on tooth enamel that’s been softened by acids in the food we eat. Waiting for 30 minutes to brush can protect your teeth from damage. Source Link 

Here’s a heart health test that you can do yourself just by taking the stairs. A study found that people who could climb four flights of stairs in less than a minute had a heart that was in good shape. If it takes you more than a minute-and-a-half to climb four floors it’s probably a good idea to consult a doctor. Source Link 

June 17, 2021

 Seasonal depression that we usually see with winter can happen in summer too. A small portion of people with Seasonal Affective Disorder experience it during the summer months because of more exposure to sunlight. The summer type has side effects that can include insomnia and a reduction in appetite. Source Link 

How can you keep houseplants watered while you’re away on vacation? Remove any saucers underneath smaller potted plants and put them in the bathtub in a few inches of water. For larger plants, poke a hole in an empty twist-cap wine bottle, fill it with water and push it cap-side down into the plant soil until the bottle stands up on its own. Source Link

Cuddling-up with a dog or cat to sleep at night shouldn't be a problem for tweens and teens. Researchers found no adverse effect on sleep time when kids bedded down with a pet. In fact, children sleeping with a dog or cat had the highest quality rest in part because kids view their pets as close friends and find their presence comforting. Source Link

June 16, 2021

 Keeping kids safe in the summer sun starts early. Teach children to apply an SPF 15 sunscreen before they begin their day outdoors and reapply every two hours and after swimming, even if the sunscreen says it's water-resistant. Babies under six months old cannot be exposed to the chemicals in sunscreen and must stay covered up when in the sun. Source Link 

You need to make a few adjustments to keep up with a walking routine in summer heat. If you’re out for more than 30 minutes be sure to carry a water bottle to stay hydrated and consider splitting a long walk into several shorter ones. Lunchtime isn’t the best time for walking in hot weather and early morning and late evening hours are better choices for a walk. Source Link

A few good housekeeping habits now can help you avoid a bigger chore later. Do laundry when you have one load of it and wash items while you’re cooking to avoid dried food that’s harder to clean. Sort your mail as it comes in, stop keeping magazines you don’t read and put away yesterday’s clothes before you pick out today’s outfit. Source Link

June 15, 2021

 Better balance begins with how you carry things. Distribute the weight evenly on both sides of your body, whether you’re carrying bags in your hands or using both arm straps with a backpack. And try not to carry something heavy on one shoulder. If you’re leaning to one side or bending forward, you’re carrying an unbalanced load. Source Link 

You’re careful to buy a BPA-free plastic water bottle but take this step before using it. Researchers found water bottles labeled BPA-free that contained some of the chemical. Be sure to wash any plastic water bottle before using it because there might be traces of BPA on the surface of the plastic. Source Link

Here’s a go-to list of bills that you should put on autopay. Streaming subscriptions, gym memberships, cell phone bills, a car loan or lease, your mortgage and student loan payments can all be automatically paid to help you avoid late fees or losing service if you accidentally miss a payment. Source Link

June 14, 2021

 It can be hard to resist the urge to hit “snooze” again, grab that second donut or order another round of beer but you can arm yourself with tools to strengthen self-control. Think about "if-then" scenarios for these situations and use the "out of sight, out of mind" approach to avoid physical temptation. And regularly exercise your self-control to improve it. Source Link 

 Here’s a tip on gift-giving that may keep you from becoming a victim of fraud. Never use gift cards to pay for anything other than a product or service from the gift card seller. Authorities say scammers often want payment for bogus offers with store gift cards because they’re untraceable and can be sold for cash before you realize that you’ve been cheated. Source Link

TV binge-watching may seem fun but your body and brain might beg to differ. Sitting for long periods and eating junk food isn’t good for your body and watching show after show can have the same effect on your brain as compulsive gambling. Make sure a TV binge doesn’t interrupt your sleep, try standing up for five minutes during each episode and pick healthy snacks. Source Link 

June 11, 2021

 Want to add more fruit to your diet conveniently without stocking-up in the Produce section? Dried fruit can help because it’s portable, shelf-stable, and may even be cheaper than fresh. Just be sure to watch your portions and choose unsweetened dried fruit without added sugar. Source Link 

The tools to improve your health don't have to carry a price tag. Meditating to reduce stress and improve sleep is free, and you’ll find plenty of free workout videos on YouTube. You can improve your mental health with a pen and paper by journaling and swapping water for soda is more healthy and will save you money. Source Link 

Follow these tips for safer house cleaning. When working with liquid cleaners, wear gloves to protect your skin and consider using a diluted vinegar solution or baking soda instead of stronger chemicals like bleach or ammonia. And remember to open a window and get fresh air in while you’re scrubbing with a strong cleaner. Source Link 

June 10, 2021

 You say your household clutter is too much to tackle? Try organizing one thing each day. It could be a handbag, bedside table, or a drawer. That daily feeling of accomplishment when one chore is behind you can reduce stress about clutter and encourage more action to clean things up. Source Link 

“Text neck” is the pain that happens when you spend too much time staring down at a cellphone screen. You can remedy this by holding your phone just below eye level and taking breaks to stretch your neck, shoulders and back. You can also avoid eye strain that causes headaches by adjusting smartphone settings to improve brightness and use larger fonts. Source Link 

Sleeping pills may not be a long-term fix for what’s keeping you up at night. A study found that those with insomnia who regularly took prescription sleep medications still had the problem two years later. Lifestyle changes like getting less caffeine, not using screens before bedtime, or even cognitive behavioral therapy may offer a better solution. Source Link

June 9, 2021

 It’s like a bucket list with a twist. With a no-regrets checklist, you write down all the things you had to put off over the years because of work or raising a family and make a timeline for how you'll revisit those goals. With a little reflection and some focus, you can avoid regrets that might haunt you later in life. Source Link 

Whether it’s a baby-sized or full-strength, taking one aspirin a day can protect against heart disease and stroke. A study found no significant difference in safety or effectiveness between the two doses, but researchers say patients with heart disease should take low-dose aspirin because it’s often easier for the stomach to tolerate. Source Link

You want to stop the paper chase at home and you can do it with these easy steps. Sign-up for bank e-statements, have bills delivered electronically and unsubscribe from snail mail advertising. After scanning and ditching any old paper records, get into the habit of saving a document as a PDF instead of automatically printing it. Source Link

June 8, 2021

 Taking lots of smartphone pictures to make your vacation memories might cause the real ones to fade away. Testing found that people who recorded their thoughts during an experience had less memory of it later. Experts say focusing on taking photos can change the way you experience an event and multitasking can interfere with memory. Source Link 

Insomnia is a common problem for older people but the solution could be as close as your favorite streaming playlist. Researchers found that playing music at bedtime resulted in better sleep. It’s important to choose the right kind of tune and the most effective was calming music with a slower tempo and smoother melody. Source Link

Many “healthy snacks” don’t live up to their name. Veggie chips can be heavy on starches and calories. Fruit snacks may be less fruit and more corn syrup and artificial flavors. And read the label on your trail mix and look out for sugary add-ins like candy or chocolate pieces. Source Link 

June 7, 2021

 If you’re often nervous behind the wheel then cranking up the right tunes could help your heart. Researchers found that people who listened to instrumental music while driving showed less cardiac stress. The test subjects were younger drivers who were less experienced with longer commutes. Source Link 

You should “Take 10” before heading to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription for that cough or sinus infection. Up to 50-percent of antibiotics may be unnecessary, so you should wait 10 days for symptoms to resolve unless you're running a high fever, have severe pain or if symptoms appear rapidly. Source Link 

You can do a lot with your old smartphone after you buy that new one. Besides being a hand-me-down, your old phone could be a hands-free screen for use with Siri or Google Assistant or you can put it to work as a dedicated remote for your TV or smart home system. And that old phone can be a new handheld gaming device for young children who won’t need to play with your new phone. Source Link 

June 4, 2021

 You can make some key kitchen tools last longer with a little extra care. Don’t use chemical cleaners on a stove top -- baking soda and a damp cloth is safer. Running your microwave oven when it’s empty creates an energy overload inside that could kill it in just 10 seconds. And cooking spray can ruin non-stick pans. Instead, use whole fats like butter or oil. Source Link 

If Amazon is your go-to place for online shopping there are some easy ways to save more. Amazon’s own credit cards offer up to 5 percent cash back on Amazon purchases and browser extensions like Honey, Capital One Shopping and CamelCamelCamel can track prices for comparison shopping. And subscribing to purchase some items from Amazon might save you up to 15 percent. Source Link 

Just like in humans, there are warning signs you can spot when your dog is sick. Unexpected accidents indoors could be a sign of kidney failure or diabetes, and too much tail-chasing might be caused by an ear infection. And labored breathing can be a symptom of heartworm disease. Source Link 

June 3, 2021

 What’s the best way to wash fruits and vegetables? Smooth-skinned fruits like apples or pears can be rinsed in water and dried with a clean towel when you bring them home but other items should be washed just before eating to prevent bacteria growth. And don’t submerge leafy vegetables in water because that might increase the risk of contamination. Source Link 

Home remodeling often happens with an eye toward increasing the property value, and some of the least expensive projects deliver the biggest payoffs. A new entry door, replacement windows, a new wood deck or a kitchen update are among the higher value projects. And the one that practically pays for itself at resale time? A new garage door. Source Link

Don’t just throw away those old Barbie dolls, Matchbox cars or MEGA toys because Mattel wants them back to help make new ones. The Mattel PlayBack program will recycle the materials to make new toys as part of an effort to stop using new plastic by 2030. Go to Mattel.com to print a free shipping label for the toy returns. Source Link

June 2, 2021

 Some important cards and other valuable items should not be in your wallet where a thief could get hold of them. Remove that Social Security card, spare keys, blank check, birth certificate, Medicare card or password cheat sheet. Then photocopy the front and back of anything still in the wallet so you can quickly identify what’s been lost if it goes missing. Source Link 

Add more of these five foods to your diet to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Vegetables, whole grains, legumes; nuts and seeds, and fiber-rich fruit contain cancer-preventing nutrients and fiber that can help your digestive tract stay healthy. Fruit can be fresh or frozen and eat fruits from a rainbow of colors. Source Link 

That old iPad or other tablet can have a second life in many ways. Use it as a dedicated Zoom camera, a digital photo frame, a screen for checking recipes and videos while cooking, or as a music-streaming hub for your home. And an old tablet can be a super-sized TV remote and let you cast programs from an app to a streaming device, smart TV or computer. Source Link

June 1, 2021

 It takes just a second to make the call but remember this before you dial 9-1-1. Call for true emergencies -- if you are unsure if it's an emergency, still call. Know the location of the emergency and do your best to stay calm and answer all questions. And don’t just hang up if you call 9-1-1 by mistake because that might seem like an emergency to a 9-1-1 operator. Source Link 

Building a better breakfast sandwich starts with what it’s made of. Skip the croissants or biscuits and try a whole-wheat English muffin, tortilla or pita wrap. Include four ounces of protein from eggs, turkey sausage or lean meat leftovers like chicken along with plenty of veggies and add some kick with salsa or hot sauce. Source Link 

Getting a good night’s sleep starts long before your head hits the pillow. Have dinner before 7 p.m. to give your body time to digest your meal before bedtime. Use a nightly wind-down routine like brushing your teeth, taking a warm shower, listening to relaxing music and reading a book. And keep electronics out of the bedroom, especially for kids. Source Link