January 31, 2020

What are some keys to emotional well-being? Experts say having a positive outlook is important and regular mindfulness meditation can help you learn how to bounce back from adversity. And being more generous can help others and activate the parts of your brain that promote well-being. Source Link 

There’s a kind of yo-yo dieting that might help you shed more pounds. Alternate-day fasting has you not eating one day and then feasting the next day. In testing, people lost an average of seven pounds in a month without needing to count calories. Source Link 

Building a better sandwich starts with ingredients and the way you assemble them. You can kick up the flavor by mixing sriracha or chipotle peppers with mayo and have different textures of items that are soft or crunchy. Avoid soggy bread by adding butter, mayo or a slice of cheese under wet items and pack it in a hard-sided container to protect your sandwich until lunchtime. Source Link

January 30, 2020

You can take a few tips from your own winter wardrobe and bundle up that smartphone to keep it running in frigid weather. Batteries don’t work as well in the cold, so carry your phone close to you in a pants pocket or inside a coat for more warmth. And to get the most life from the battery avoid taking your phone out to use it in really cold air. Source Link 

A cold and the flu are different illnesses, but could you get both at the same time? It’s possible but not likely. The virus that causes the common cold and the influenza virus are competing to take over your respiratory system and the flu virus usually wins. That may be why there are fewer reports of colds during flu season. Source Link 

Eating like an Italian or Spaniard is still the best diet plan for most of us. For the third year in a row, the Mediterranean diet has been named the best diet overall in the U.S. News and World Report annual rankings. The mostly-plant-based flexitarian and DASH diets tied for second place and WW -- formerly known as Weight Watchers -- ranked number-four. Source Link 

January 29, 2020

If you don’t have a taste for big credit card bills, you should avoid shopping while hungry. Testing showed that hunger may push people into buying more than they would when they have a full stomach. Researchers say hunger involves hormones that affect the brain and could interfere with impulse control that can curb overspending. Source Link 

Listen up - it’s important for every newborn to have a hearing test. Hearing loss is the most common congenital condition and babies should have a hearing screening by the time they're 1 month old. Any hearing loss should be diagnosed by 3 months and any intervention for hearing loss should start by the time your baby is 6 months old. Source Link 

It’s a staple found in many pantries, but just how long can you keep that flour? White flour is highly processed and has a longer shelf life than whole grain flour with the bran and germ layers with oils that can lead to a bad odor and rancid taste. The key to long-lasting flour is to keep it in a sealed container in a cabinet or cupboard where it’s not exposed to light. Source Link 

January 28, 2020

If work has you sitting most of the day, try to “take ten” on your feet to beat the bad health effects of a sedentary job. Researchers found that just ten minutes of walking could restore blood flow to legs affected by prolonged sitting. A walking meeting is just one way to add more steps to your workday. Source Link 

Google may be making the self-taught handyman or woman an endangered species. In a survey, two out of five American adults said they could not complete any household repair without consulting the internet first. Age was a factor and people over 65 were more likely to have DIY repair skills than their kids or grandkids. Source Link 

Here are some natural ways to keep your home smelling fresh. Avoid the lingering aroma of fried fish by adding a dollop of peanut butter to the oil first. An open bowl of white vinegar can absorb many kitchen odors and a spray bottle filled with unflavored vodka can be used to kill odor-causing bacteria on smelly clothing. Source Link 

January 27, 2020

The 2020 tax filing season is officially underway and you might be able to do your federal taxes for free. A number of tax preparation services offer free electronic filing based on income and age but to get the free offer you need to start from the IRS web site. To find out if you qualify, go to irs.gov/freefile. Source Link 

The bacteria that cause the most dangerous infections are lingering in more homes but you can fight back. In a study, the superbug MRSA was found on bathroom sinks and countertops, refrigerator door handles, TV remotes, computer keyboards, and bedsheets and bath towels. Keeping your home free of clutter and grime and frequent hand-washing can be your best defense. Source Link 

When it comes to classifying foods that are good or bad for you, the basic labels don’t always fit. Bread, pasta and rice made with whole grains are good for you and healthy fats like those found in avocados and nuts are part of a balanced diet. And three daily servings of low-fat dairy products can be a better choice. Source Link 

January 24, 2020

When should a senior citizen hang up the car keys for good is a question that can be answered with the help of a primary care physician who understands their health conditions, capacities, and challenges. Vision, thinking skills and physical function all play a part and families should start the discussion early before a driving mishap forces the issue. Source Link 

Diet sodas may not be a healthy alternative because they’ve been associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attack. If you like the sparkle of soda, try plain seltzer with a squeeze of citrus fruit, grated ginger, chopped mint or a teaspoon of vanilla. Or replace soda with milk for more protein and calcium. Source Link 

Brown-bagging your mid-day meal doesn’t have to be boring if you can think outside the lunchbox. Try adding one new vegetable or fruit each week and pack more than lunch with healthy snacks to make it through the day. And watch out for too much sugar at lunchtime because it can fuel a mid-afternoon energy crash. Source Link 

January 23, 2020

If those New Year’s resolutions are all broken you might want to hit the reset button on Monday. Instead of an annual effort on January 1st, you can make any week an opportunity for a fresh start on special goals. And if you begin the week well, you’re more likely to keep going through the rest of the week. Source Link 

How many of these myths about eyesight do you believe? Reading in dim light does not worsen vision but it may tire your eyes more quickly. Likewise, staring at a computer screen will not permanently harm your eyes, but it may cause eyestrain. Wearing glasses won't worsen vision and eye exercises won’t help you see better. Source Link 

There are some simple ways to help you remember to take medications. Use a pillbox with spaces for daily doses and place it in an area where it will be easily seen. If you take your medication first thing in the morning, put it near an alarm clock or coffee pot or set an alarm when its time to take your medications. Source Link 

January 22, 2020

Picking the right channel isn’t just a TV thing -- it’s also important for your WiFi router. Streaming video generally works best using the 5 GHz channel and other devices can use 2.4Ghz. And locate your router away from cordless phones, Bluetooth speakers, microwave ovens and baby monitors that give off signals that can interfere with your router. Source Link 

Try these tips to help you save on grocery costs. Stockpile staples like dry goods, meats, cheese and bread when on sale and freeze them and buy family packs to last for several meals. Plan meals for the week before you shop and use a cash-back credit card for built-in savings with every purchase. Source Link 

Avoiding foods high in sugar and processed carbs might help older women sleep better at night. In a study, post-menopausal women with a high sugar/high carb diet were more likely to suffer from insomnia. That combination can cause big fluctuations in blood sugar levels that can release natural hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that interfere with sleep. Source Link 

January 21, 2020

If coffee is essential to your wake-up routine you might try a less-caffeinated approach to the start of your morning. Listen to an upbeat music playlist, perform morning stretches like head and shoulder rolls, splash your face with cold water or drink a cold glass of water and have a healthy and balanced breakfast. Source Link 

Ever wonder why most are airplane seats are blue? It’s equal parts of psychology and physics. Blue is a calming color and that’s good in a stressful environment like a packed airliner and blue makes you feel cooler in a seat where many people feel hot. And blue is the choice of many airlines because it doesn’t show dirt or stains like other colors. Source Link

Let’s look at America’s snacking by the numbers. A survey found that about a third of us prefer sweet snacks, a third like salty and the rest have no preference. Milk chocolate was the favorite for sweet tooths, potato chips topped the list for salt lovers, and chocolate and caramel was the favorite combination. The average person spends about $10 a week on snacks. Source Link

January 20, 2020

You should “Take 10” before heading to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription for that cough or sinus infection. Up to 50-percent of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, so wait 10 days for symptoms to resolve unless you're running a high fever, have severe pain or if symptoms appear rapidly. Source Link 

Buying medical insurance to use when traveling out of the country is a good idea but be sure you’re getting all of the coverage you need. Most policies are designed to cover illness or injuries that happen on your trip and pre-existing conditions don’t qualify. If you have a medical condition ask if your policy offers a waiver for a pre-existing exclusion. Source Link 

A simple calorie count might not keep you from indulging, but what if food labels listed how long you’d have to exercise to burn it off? Researchers found that some people made healthier choices and ate less when they saw the exercise equivalents. They think such labeling might cut 200 calories from an average day’s eating. Source Link 

January 17, 2020

It’s easier than you think to pack a healthy lunch for your kids. Concentrate on basics like whole-grain bread, lean meats and lettuce and tomato for sandwiches. Add raw vegetables and a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. If kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese should just be occasional foods. Source Link 

Some of your home improvement tools might work well in the kitchen. A straight ruler can cut dough for a lattice crust and self-adjusting pliers make a great nutcracker. Painters tape is a durable label for freezer leftovers and comes off clean months later. And office binder clips can hold open a cookbook while you’re working from a recipe. Source Link 

If you’re adding a child to the family phone plan think inexpensive and take control. Offer them a hand-me-down iPhone or a low-cost Android device. Establish ground rules like you get all passwords and can check their phone at any time. And set up parental controls on the phone for kid-safe searches and to limit what apps they can download. Source Link 

January 16, 2020

Looking for a natural energy boost that’s not caffeinated? Hazelnuts, cashews or almonds are rich in magnesium, and whole eggs are packed with protein and B vitamins, which help convert food into energy. Fresh fruit can also provide natural sugar along with beneficial fiber and vitamin C from oranges, kiwi, mangoes, pineapple or strawberries. Source Link 

Training before surgery can improve outcomes and reduce insurance costs for seniors. A study found that those who took part in a one-week “pre-hab” program of exercise, healthy eating and practicing stress reduction techniques spent less time in the hospital or nursing home and needed less home care after a major operation. Source Link 

Watch for these red flags to avoid being scammed when renting a vacation home or apartment online. Beware of owners who want you to communicate or send money outside of the rental platform. And do some homework online by checking to see if the address exists or using a Google image search to find out if the pictures in the listing are from elsewhere. Source Link

January 15, 2020

Houseplants are more than just pretty to look at -- they could also improve your health. The scent of rosemary may help with memory by boosting a brain neurotransmitter. Peace Lillies can purify the air by removing toxins from paint and varnish and a spider plant can clean dangerous formaldehyde from indoor air. Source Link 

What’s the key to finding an honest online product review? A study found that people were more likely to believe a review that mentions a problem they had with the same kind of product that led them to buy this one. You should always look for personal information, details, nuance and length in a good online product review. Source Link 

Some people say they can’t think right on an empty stomach, but is there a good food to eat before you make a big decision? Choose food high in tryptophan like chicken soup or chocolate. Tryptophan helps to make the brain chemical serotonin that plays a major role in the decision-making process. Source Link 

January 14, 2020

Ever wonder what it would take to undo the calories you add with a trip to the fast-food drive-thru? A Big Mac and fries would cost you about 90 minutes on an elliptical machine, while that three-piece KFC meal clocks-in at about an hour in the gym. A slice of pizza isn’t much better, requiring about 59 minutes of cardio or even more weightlifting. Source Link 

Why do people seem to get sick more often in cold weather? Cold air constricts blood vessels in the chest making it harder for white blood cells to move quickly to block germs and cold dry air can harden and dry the mucous membranes. And less sun means less natural production of vitamin D to boost your immune system. Source Link 

Staying sharper as we age could mean more shuffling cards and breaking out the board games. Researchers found that people in their 70s who regularly played board games scored higher on tests of memory and thinking skills. And those who played games were more likely to maintain thinking skills as they age. Source Link 

January 13, 2020

If you're already falling behind on those New Year’s resolutions here are some tips to help you succeed. Be sure your goals are specific and record your progress on a daily basis. Eliminate barriers to success, like removing sweets from your home or packing a gym bag each night. And let your friends and family know about your plans, so they can help you reach your goals. Source Link 

What kinds of used products are a better buy? Exercise equipment, hand tools, sports gear, bikes and furniture may have plenty of life in them for a second owner. Used clothing can be a big saver even when compared to prices at a discount store and buying a used car helps you avoid the fast depreciation that happens with a new one. Source Link 

Keeping with a daily routine may be the key to a good night’s sleep. In a study, people who went to work and ate dinner around the same time every day typically slept better and woke up fewer times during the night. The particular time didn’t matter as much as keeping with the same schedule. Source Link

January 10, 2020

When is travel insurance a smart buy? Getting travel insurance for an expensive international trip makes sense because you have more to lose and it might help with medical expenses should you become ill outside of the country. And it’s smart to buy travel insurance for a cruise if you book it a year ahead of time because your situation may change and force a cancellation. Source Link 

If your commute includes stop-and-go traffic there’s one auto part that can help you breathe easier. An activated charcoal cabin air filter can remove most of the pollutants from exhaust fumes that build up while you’re stopped. You should have the cabin air filter checked with every oil change. Source Link 

Answering just two questions could be the key to killing clutter in your home. Start by categorizing items as useful or decorative. For useful items, ask yourself if you’ve used it in the past year. For decorative pieces, ask yourself if you “love” it. If the answer to the question is “no” it’s time to sell, recycle, give away or donate the item. Source Link 

January 9, 2020

Going it alone may help you meet that special someone. Solo travel is becoming a popular option for those to want to mingle with other singles and accounts for one-third of all first-time travelers. You'll find single travel packages from many hotels and tour agencies. Source Link 

Less time in front of the mirror could mean more for your self-image. A study found that women who reduced the number of times they checked themselves in a mirror were much less anxious about their appearance. Researchers say the results might also apply to men who have concerns about their appearance. Source Link 

Soothing a cranky baby is never easy but it can be done safely. The FDA says don’t place a baby in a sleep positioner, nest or anti-roll device that can be a suffocation risk if your infant rolls over from back to stomach. Rocking and playing soothing music can help and so can mimicking the experience in the womb by placing the baby in a carrier close to your body. Source Link 

January 8, 2020

Cuddling with your fur baby is safe when you have a cold. Dogs and cats won't catch human viruses and can’t spread your cold to someone else who pets them. Avoiding close contact with sick humans and washing your hands are the best protection against the spread of colds. Source Link 

Customizing a car could help more seniors drive safely. Think simple with modifications like seat cushions to improve the sightline and pedal extensions to create a safe distance from the airbag. A steering wheel cover can also improve grip and make driving safer. Source Link 

TV binge-watching may seem fun but your body and brain might beg to differ. Sitting for long periods and eating junk food isn’t good for your body and watching show after show can have the same effect on your brain as compulsive gambling. Make sure a TV binge doesn’t interrupt your sleep, try standing up for five minutes during each episode and pick healthy snacks. Source Link 

January 7, 2020

It's a common New Year's pledge but now it may be the worst time to make a resolution to lose weight. Humans evolved as overeaters to survive the winter months and that compulsion to maintain body fat is hard-wired into us. And today’s foods with so much sugar and flavor make it harder to resist the urge to eat at this time of the year. Source Link 

Physiology might answer the question of why time seems to pass more quickly as we get older. Researchers say when our brains age we’re less able to process memories quickly as we did as youngsters. Fewer mental images stored each day can make that day seem shorter when we’re older. Source Link 

If you want a winter getaway by air you can save yourself some headaches by planning ahead. When you have a connection, avoid a short turnaround time between flights that might be eaten up by a weather delay and check the forecast for the connecting city as well as your destination a few days ahead to see if you need to change your itinerary. Source Link  

January 6, 2020

You should “Take 10” before heading to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription for that cough or sinus infection. Up to 50-percent of antibiotics may be unnecessary, so you should wait 10 days for symptoms to resolve unless you're running a high fever, have severe pain or if symptoms appear rapidly. Source Link 

It can be hard to resist the urge to hit “snooze” again, grab that second donut or order another round of beer but you can arm yourself with tools to strengthen self-control. Think about "if-then" scenarios for these situations and use the "out of sight, out of mind" approach to avoid physical temptation. And regularly exercise your self-control to improve it. Source Link 

Here’s a tip on gift-giving that may keep you from becoming a victim of fraud. Never use gift cards to pay for anything other than a product or service from the gift card seller. Authorities say scammers often want payment for bogus offers with store gift cards because they’re untraceable and can be sold for cash before you realize that you’ve been cheated. Source Link 

January 3, 2020

Most of us need to eat more fruits and vegetables but you don’t have to adjust your meal menus to get those five to seven servings a day. Snacking on fresh fruit or raw vegetables could satisfy your nutritional needs, but cooking tomatoes, sweet potatoes or carrots provides the most nutrients from those vegetables. Source Link 

Your cell phone could be carrying more germs than a toilet seat but there are ways to clean it up. Keeping your phone out of the bathroom will help along with an occasional cleaning with a microfiber cloth or a solution of water and rubbing alcohol. And wash your hands frequently because that’s how most germs make it to your phone. Source Link 

You can have more success with your workouts with these trainer tips. Don’t race through a workout because that bad form can lead to injuries and shorten your routine instead of skipping it if you’re tired or rushed for time. And dress the part in exercise wear that makes you look good and feel comfortable. Source Link 

January 2, 2020

January is the month when people resolve to find love. Experts say it’s the busiest month of the year for online dating and users who log on now are 15 percent more likely to get a match. But don’t wait because online dating sites begin to thin out come February. Source Link 

If you’re often nervous behind the wheel then cranking up the right tunes could help your heart. Researchers found that people who listened to instrumental music while driving showed less cardiac stress. The test subjects were younger drivers who were less experienced with longer commutes. Source Link 

More of us are trying but fewer of us are losing weight. A long-term study found that since 1999 the percentage of people trying to lose weight grew from one-third to nearly half of Americans but the average person actually gained weight. That’s probably because most people don’t stick with a weight-loss regimen for the long haul. Source Link